Yuechun Jiao
Yuechun Jiao
在 sxu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Atom-based receiver for amplitude-modulated baseband signals in high-frequency radio communication
Y Jiao, X Han, J Fan, G Raithel, J Zhao, S Jia
Applied Physics Express 12 (12), 126002, 2019
Atom-Based Radio-Frequency Field Calibration and Polarization Measurement Using Cesium Floquet States
Y Jiao, L Hao, X Han, S Bai, G Raithel, J Zhao, S Jia
Physical Review Applied 8 (1), 014028, 2017
Spectroscopy of cesium Rydberg atoms in strong radio-frequency fields
Y Jiao, X Han, Z Yang, J Li, G Raithel, J Zhao, S Jia
Physical Review A 94 (2), 023832, 2016
Continuously tunable radio frequency electrometry with Rydberg atoms
J Hu, H Li, R Song, J Bai, Y Jiao, J Zhao, S Jia
Applied Physics Letters 121 (1), 2022
Transition from electromagnetically induced transparency to Autler–Townes splitting in cold cesium atoms
L Hao, Y Jiao, Y Xue, X Han, S Bai, J Zhao, G Raithel
New Journal of Physics 20 (7), 073024, 2018
Collectively encoded Rydberg qubit
NLR Spong, Y Jiao, ODW Hughes, KJ Weatherill, I Lesanovsky, ...
Physical Review Letters 127 (6), 063604, 2021
Quantum sensing of microwave electric fields based on Rydberg atoms
J Yuan, W Yang, M Jing, H Zhang, Y Jiao, W Li, L Zhang, L Xiao, S Jia
Reports on Progress in Physics, 2023
Cs Rydberg-atom macrodimers formed by long-range multipole interaction
X Han, S Bai, Y Jiao, L Hao, Y Xue, J Zhao, S Jia, G Raithel
Physical Review A 97 (3), 031403, 2018
Rydberg atom-based AM receiver with a weak continuous frequency carrier
H Li, J Hu, J Bai, M Shi, Y Jiao, J Zhao, S Jia
Optics Express 30 (8), 13522-13529, 2022
Laser frequency locking based on Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency
Y Jiao, J Li, L Wang, H Zhang, L Zhang, J Zhao, S Jia
Chinese Physics B 25 (5), 053201, 2016
Observation of blackbody radiation enhanced superradiance in ultracold Rydberg gases
L Hao, Z Bai, J Bai, S Bai, Y Jiao, G Huang, J Zhao, W Li, S Jia
New Journal of Physics 23 (8), 083017, 2021
Precise measurement of a weak radio frequency electric field using a resonant atomic probe
L Hao, Y Xue, J Fan, J Bai, Y Jiao, J Zhao
Chinese Physics B 29 (3), 033201, 2020
Rydberg electromagnetically induced transparency in a large Hilbert space
Y Xue, L Hao, Y Jiao, X Han, S Bai, J Zhao, G Raithel
Physical Review A 99 (5), 053426, 2019
Distinct antiblockade features of strongly interacting Rydberg atoms under a two-color weak excitation scheme
S Bai, X Tian, X Han, Y Jiao, J Wu, J Zhao, S Jia
New Journal of Physics 22 (1), 013004, 2020
Photon correlation transients in a weakly blockaded Rydberg ensemble
C Möhl, NLR Spong, Y Jiao, C So, T Ilieva, M Weidemüller, CS Adams
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53 (8), 084005, 2020
Electromagnetically induced transparency in a cold gas with strong atomic interactions
YC Jiao, XX Han, ZW Yang, JM Zhao, ST Jia
Chinese Physics Letters 33 (12), 123201, 2016
Experimental observation of partial parity-time symmetry and its phase transition with a laser-driven cesium atomic gas
Y Xue, C Hang, Y He, Z Bai, Y Jiao, G Huang, J Zhao, S Jia
Physical Review A 105 (5), 053516, 2022
Cesium Rydberg molecules and their permanent electric dipole moments
S Bai, X Han, J Bai, Y Jiao, J Zhao, S Jia, G Raithel
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033525, 2020
Zeeman-tunable modulation transfer spectroscopy
C So, NLR Spong, C Möhl, Y Jiao, T Ilieva, CS Adams
Optics Letters 44 (21), 5374-5377, 2019
Adiabatic potentials of cesium (nDJ) 2 Rydberg–Rydberg macrodimers
X Han, S Bai, Y Jiao, G Raithel, J Zhao, S Jia
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 52 (13), 135102, 2019
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