Christopher E. Miller
Christopher E. Miller
在 uni-tuebingen.de 的电子邮件经过验证
A Howiesons Poort tradition of engraving ostrich eggshell containers dated to 60,000 years ago at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa
PJ Texier, G Porraz, J Parkington, JP Rigaud, C Poggenpoel, C Miller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (14), 6180-6185, 2010
Bedding, hearths, and site maintenance in the Middle Stone age of Sibudu cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
P Goldberg, CE Miller, S Schiegl, B Ligouis, F Berna, NJ Conard, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1, 95-122, 2009
Middle Stone Age bedding construction and settlement patterns at Sibudu, South Africa
L Wadley, C Sievers, M Bamford, P Goldberg, F Berna, C Miller
Science 334 (6061), 1388-1391, 2011
Neandertals made the first specialized bone tools in Europe
M Soressi, SP McPherron, M Lenoir, T Dogandžić, P Goldberg, Z Jacobs, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), 14186-14190, 2013
Paleoindian settlement of the high-altitude Peruvian Andes
K Rademaker, G Hodgins, K Moore, S Zarrillo, C Miller, GRM Bromley, ...
Science 346 (6208), 466-469, 2014
OSL and TL dating of the Middle Stone Age sequence at Diepkloof Rock Shelter (South Africa): a clarification
C Tribolo, N Mercier, E Douville, JL Joron, JL Reyss, D Rufer, N Cantin, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (9), 3401-3411, 2013
Heat treatment in the South African Middle Stone Age: temperature induced transformations of silcrete and their technological implications
P Schmidt, G Porraz, A Slodczyk, L Bellot-Gurlet, W Archer, CE Miller
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (9), 3519-3531, 2013
Dumping, sweeping and trampling: experimental micromorphological analysis of anthropogenically modified combustion features
CE Miller, NJ Conard, P Goldberg, F Berna
Palethnologie. Archéologie et sciences humaines, 2010
Geoarchaeological investigations at diepkloof rock shelter, western Cape, South Africa
CE Miller, P Goldberg, F Berna
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (9), 3432-3452, 2013
On the evidence for human use and control of fire at Schöningen
MC Stahlschmidt, CE Miller, B Ligouis, U Hambach, P Goldberg, F Berna, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 89, 181-201, 2015
The MSA sequence of Diepkloof and the history of southern African Late Pleistocene populations
G Porraz, JE Parkington, JP Rigaud, CE Miller, C Poggenpoel, C Tribolo, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (9), 3542-3552, 2013
Excavations at Schöningen and paradigm shifts in human evolution
NJ Conard, J Serangeli, U Böhner, BM Starkovich, CE Miller, B Urban, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 89, 1-17, 2015
Combustion features
C Mallol, SM Mentzer, CE Miller
Archaeological soil and sediment micromorphology, 299-330, 2017
Recognizing fire in the Paleolithic archaeological record
P Goldberg, CE Miller, SM Mentzer
Current Anthropology 58 (S16), S175-S190, 2017
A previously undescribed organic residue sheds light on heat treatment in the Middle Stone Age
P Schmidt, G Porraz, L Bellot-Gurlet, E February, B Ligouis, C Paris, ...
Journal of human evolution 85, 22-34, 2015
A tale of two Swabian caves: Geoarchaeological investigations at Hohle Fels and Geissenklösterle
CE Miller
Kerns Verlag, 2015
Bone and other skeletal tissues
XS Villagran, DJ Huisman, SM Mentzer, CE Miller, MM Jans
Archaeological soil and sediment micromorphology, 9-38, 2017
The earliest evidence for Upper Paleolithic occupation in the Armenian Highlands at Aghitu-3 Cave
AW Kandel, B Gasparyan, E Allué, G Bigga, AA Bruch, VL Cullen, ...
Journal of human evolution 110, 37-68, 2017
Buried in ashes: Site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil
XS Villagran, A Strauss, C Miller, B Ligouis, R Oliveira
Journal of Archaeological Science 77, 10-34, 2017
An experimental micromorphological investigation of bedding construction in the Middle Stone Age of Sibudu, South Africa
CE Miller, C Sievers
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (10), 3039-3051, 2012
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