Antonio Punzon
From traits to life‐history strategies: Deconstructing fish community composition across European seas
L Pecuchet, M Lindegren, M Hidalgo, M Delgado, A Esteban, HO Fock, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (7), 812-822, 2017
Marine fish traits follow fast-slow continuum across oceans
E Beukhof, R Frelat, L Pecuchet, A Maureaud, TS Dencker, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 17878, 2019
Aggregated clumps of lithistid sponges: a singular, reef-like bathyal habitat with relevant paleontological connections
M Maldonado, R Aguilar, J Blanco, S Garcia, A Serrano, A Punzon
PLoS One 10 (5), e0125378, 2015
Response of a temperate demersal fish community to global warming
A Punzón, A Serrano, F Sánchez, F Velasco, I Preciado, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 161, 1-10, 2016
Deep-sea benthic habitats modeling and mapping in a NE Atlantic seamount (Galicia Bank)
A Serrano, JM González-Irusta, A Punzón, A García-Alegre, A Lourido, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 126, 115-127, 2017
Identification of métiers of the Northern Spanish coastal bottom pair trawl fleet by using the partitioning method CLARA
J Castro, A Punzón, GJ Pierce, M Marín, E Abad
Fisheries Research 102 (1-2), 184-190, 2010
Food web functioning of the benthopelagic community in a deep-sea seamount based on diet and stable isotope analyses
I Preciado, JE Cartes, A Punzón, I Frutos, L López-López, A Serrano
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 137, 56-68, 2017
Benthic habitat modelling and mapping as a conservation tool for marine protected areas: A seamount in the western Mediterranean
A de la Torriente, JM González‐Irusta, R Aguilar, LM Fernández‐Salas, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29 (5), 732-750, 2019
Benthic litter distribution on circalittoral and deep sea bottoms of the southern Bay of Biscay: analysis of potential drivers
L López-López, JM González-Irusta, A Punzón, A Serrano
Continental Shelf Research 144, 112-119, 2017
Distribution and biogeographic trends of decapod assemblages from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic) at depths between 700 and 1800 m, with connexions to regional water masses
JE Cartes, V Papiol, I Frutos, E Macpherson, C González-Pola, A Punzón, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 106, 165-178, 2014
Incidental ingestion of meso-and macro-plastic debris by benthic and demersal fish
L López-López, I Preciado, JM González-Irusta, NL Arroyo, I Muñoz, ...
Food Webs 14, 1-4, 2018
Deep sea megafaunal assemblages off the northern Iberian slope related to environmental factors
A Serrano, F Sánchez, A Punzón, F Velasco, I Olaso
Scientia Marina 75 (3), 425-437, 2011
Feeding patterns of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in Flemish Pass (northwest Atlantic)
E Rodriguez-Marin, A Punzón, X Paz
Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, 1995
Feeding of most abundant fish species in Flemish Cap in summer 1993
E Rodriguez-Marin, A Punzón, X Paz, LI Olaso-Toca
Centro Oceanográfico de Vigo, 1994
Determining and mapping species sensitivity to trawling impacts: the BEnthos Sensitivity Index to Trawling Operations (BESITO)
JM González-Irusta, A De la Torriente, A Punzón, M Blanco, A Serrano
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (5), 1710-1721, 2018
Spanish otter trawl fisheries in the Cantabrian Sea
A Punzón, C Hernández, E Abad, J Castro, N Pérez, V Trujillo
ICES Journal of Marine Science 67 (8), 1604-1616, 2010
Does the timing of the spawning migration change for the southern component of the Northeast Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, L. 1758)? An approximation using fishery analyses
A Punzón, B Villamor
Continental Shelf Research 29 (8), 1195-1204, 2009
Commented checklist of marine fishes from the Galicia Bank seamount (NW Spain)
R Banon, JC Arronte-Prieto, C Rodriguez-Cabello, CG Piñeiro-Álvarez, ...
Centro Oceanográfico de Santander, 2016
Small-scale spatial variations of trawling impact on food web structure
I Preciado, NL Arroyo, JM González-Irusta, L López-López, A Punzón, ...
Ecological Indicators 98, 442-452, 2019
Identification of métiers of the Spanish set-longline fleet operating in non-Spanish European waters
J Castro, M Marín, GJ Pierce, A Punzón
Fisheries Research 107 (1-3), 100-111, 2011
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