Claire Gosse
Claire Gosse
在 uclouvain.be 的电子邮件经过验证
Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit? Impact of word orthographic and graphic complexity on handwriting and spelling performance
C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
Research in Developmental Disabilities 97, 103553, 2020
How do spelling, handwriting speed, and handwriting quality develop during primary school? Cross-classified growth curve analysis of children's writing development
C Gosse, M Parmentier, M Van Reybroeck
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 685681, 2021
Evidence of graphomotor dysfunction in children with dyslexia: A combined behavioural and fMRI experiment
C Gosse, L Dricot, M Van Reybroeck
Cortex 148, 68-88, 2022
Specifying the graphic characteristics of words that influence children’s handwriting
C Gosse, S Carbonnelle, C De Vleeschouwer, M Van Reybroeck
Reading and Writing 31, 1181-1207, 2018
Copying skills in children with and without dyslexia
E Blampain, C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
Reading and Writing 34, 859-885, 2021
Evidence of altered functional connectivity at rest in the writing network of children with dyslexia
C Gosse, L Dricot, M Van Reybroeck
Brain Sciences 12 (2), 243, 2022
Intervention en Geste Graphique: Effets sur l’Ecriture et Transfert sur l’Orthographe. Une Etude de Cas-Multiple.
C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
ANAE-Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant 169, 2020
Unraveling multi-fixel microstructure with tractography and angular weighting
N Delinte, L Dricot, B Macq, C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck, G Rensonnet
Frontiers in Neuroscience 17, 1199568, 2023
Impact des caractéristiques linguistiques de la langue maternelle d’enfants issus de l’immigration sur les performances en orthographe grammaticale: le cas des bilingues turc …
C Gosse, P Mousty, V Gaillard
Doktora tezi, Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation …, 2015
Handwriting difficulties in children with dyslexia: Poorer legibility in dictation and alphabet tasks, slowness in the alphabet task
E Van Heuverswyn, C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
Dyslexia 30 (2), e1767, 2024
Handwriting difficulties in developmental dyslexia
M Van Reybroeck, C Gosse
Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and …, 2023
Microstructural alterations in the white matter of children with dyslexia assessed by multi-fascicle diffusion compartment imaging
N Delinte, C Gosse, L Dricot, Q Dessain, M Simon, B Macq, ...
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29, 2021
Effects of decoding intervention in persistently struggling readers: transfer on spelling and self-efficacy beliefs
M Van Reybroeck, E Cumbo, C Gosse
Impact du coût graphique sur l’écriture chez les enfants tout-venant de deuxième, troisième et quatrième primaire
S Vanderbecq, O Chamberlant, M Van Reybroeck, C Gosse
Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation, Louvain, Université …, 2018
Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit?
C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 2018
Advantage of handwriting modality over typewriting modalty for learning to spell. An intervention study in Grade 2 French-speaking children
C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
SSSR Annual Conference, 2024
Comment l'orthographe et le graphisme s' influencent-ils? Résumé de travaux de thèse.
C Gosse, M Van Reybroeck
2ème journée scientifique de la chaire UCLouvain-IRSA, 2022
Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship Between Spelling and Handwriting Throughout Primary School
C Gosse, M Parmentier, M Van Reybroeck
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading Conference 2021, 2021
Investigating children with dyslexia's handwriting difficulties. An fMRI experiment.
C Gosse, L Dricot, M Van Reybroeck
12th British Dyslexia Association International Conference, 2021
How do handwriting and spelling influence each other? Investigation of writing development in children with and without dyslexia
C Gosse
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2021
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