Oleksandra Mrykhina
Oleksandra Mrykhina
доцент кафедри економіки підприємства та інвестицій НУ "Львівська політехніка"
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Methodical approach to assessing the readiness level of technologies for the transfer
N Chukhray, N Shakhovska, O Mrykhina, M Bublyk, L Lisovska
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 259-282, 2019
Перспективи стартап-компаній у контексті конкурентоспроможного розвитку українського ринку високих технологій
ОБ Мрихіна, АР Стояновський, ТІ Міркунова
Актуальні проблеми економіки, 215-225, 2015
Consumer aspects in assessing the suitability of technologies for the transfer
N Chukhray, N Shakhovska, O Mrykhina, M Bublyk, L Lisovska
2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2019
Perspektyvy startap-kompanii u konteksti konkurentospromozhnoho rozvytku ukrainskoho rynku vysokykh tekhnolohii
OB Mrykhina, AR Stoianovskyi, TI Mirkunova
Aktualni problemy ekonomiky 9 (171), 215-225, 2015
Theoretical and methodological basis for technology transfer from universities to the business environment
Mrykhina, Chukhray
Problems and Perspectives in Management, 399-416, 2018
Методичні підходи до формування внутрішньої ціни підприємств
ОБ Іванова, АБ Кравець
Актуальні проблеми економіки 2 (80), 74-81, 2008
Method of Modelling Prices for R&D Products in the Case of their Transfer from Engineering Universities to the Business
O Mrykhina, L Lisovska, I Novakivskyj, A Terebukh, V Zhukovska
Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems 5 (5), 80-93, 2020
Aktualizatsiia roli transferu tekhnolohii u systemi" universytet–vlada–biznes" v Ukraini [Updating the role of technology transfer in the system “University–Government-Business …
VV Kozyk, OB Mrykhina
Bulletin of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design 2 (109 …, 2017
Holistic approach to R&D products’ evaluation for commercialization under open innovations
N Chukhray, O Mrykhina, I Izonin
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 (1), 9, 2022
Conceptual model for economic evaluation of innovative technologies
V Kozyk, O Mrykhina, T Mirkunova
Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management 4 (2), 45-58, 2017
Startup companies perspectives in the context of competitive development of Ukrainian high technologies market
OB Mrykhina, AR Stoianovskyi, TI Mirkunova
Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics, 215, 2015
Cost evaluation models of R&D products of industrial enterprises
HM Pylypenko, VV Prokhorova, OB Mrykhina, OY Koleshchuk, ...
Natsional'nyi Hirnychyi Universytet. Naukovyi Visnyk, 163-170, 2020
Substantiation of methodical approaches to cost estimation of innovative technologies
V Kozyk, O Mrykhina, O Koleshchuk, T Mirkunova
Технологический аудит и резервы производства 3 (4 (41)), 25-33, 2018
Актуалізація ролі трансферу технологій у системі університет–влада–бізнес в Україні
ВВ Козик, ОБ Мрихіна
Вісник Київського національного університету технологій та дизайну. Серія …, 2017
Conceptual framework for the formation of information and analytical support system for technology transfer
OB Mrykhina
Aktual'ni Problemy Ekonomiky= Actual Problems in Economics, 454, 2014
The impact of economic entities’ innovative activity on the indicators of sustainable development of Ukraine
V Kozyk, O Liutak, L Lisovska, O Mrykhina, I Novakivskyj
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 628 (1), 012041, 2021
Stacking machine learning model for the assessment of R&D product’s readiness and method for its cost estimation
N Chukhray, N Shakhovska, O Mrykhina, L Lisovska, I Izonin
Mathematics 10 (9), 1466, 2022
Technology of enterprise potential management in the coordinate system of organizational development
O Mrykhina, M Honchar, A Toianovskyi, I Kazymyra
ARCTIC Journal 73 (5), 28-46, 2020
Innovative technologies under digital economics conditions
V Prokhorova, R Korzh, O Mrykhina, O Koleshchuk, T Mirkunova
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (8 Special Issue …, 2020
The methodological and regulatory framework for technology transfer
OB Mrykhina, TI Mirkunova, AR Stoianovskyi
Проблеми економіки, 126-132, 2015
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