Santo Antonio
Santo Antonio
Professore Geologia Applicata Università di Napoli Federico II
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Geomorphology and neotectonic evolution of a sector of the Tyrrhenian flank of the Southern Apennines (Region of Naples, Italy)
L Brancaccio, A Cinque, P Romano, C Rosskopf, F Russo, N Santangelo, ...
Z. Geomorphol 82, 47-58, 1991
Debris slides–rapid earth flows in the carbonate massifs of the Campania region (Southern Italy): morphological and morphometric data for evaluating triggering susceptibility
G Di Crescenzo, A Santo
Geomorphology 66 (1-4), 255-276, 2005
A methodology for the study of the relation between coastal cliff erosion and the mechanical strength of soils and rock masses
P Budetta, G Galietta, A Santo
Engineering Geology 56 (3-4), 243-256, 2000
Vulnerability assessment for reinforced concrete buildings exposed to landslides
O Mavrouli, S Fotopoulou, K Pitilakis, G Zuccaro, J Corominas, A Santo, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 265-289, 2014
Simulation‐based seismic risk assessment of gas distribution networks
S Esposito, I Iervolino, A d'Onofrio, A Santo, F Cavalieri, P Franchin
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 30 (7), 508-523, 2015
L'evoluzione geomorfologica del F. Volturno (Campania) durante il tardo Quaternario (Pleistocene medio superiore-Olocene)
P Romano, A Santo, M Voltaggio
Il Quaternario 7, 41-56, 1994
The January 10, 1997 Pozzano landslide, Sorrento Peninsula, Italy
D Calcaterra, A Santo
Engineering Geology 75 (2), 181-200, 2004
Flood susceptibility assessment in a highly urbanized alluvial fan: the case study of Sala Consilina (southern Italy)
N Santangelo, A Santo, G Di Crescenzo, G Foscari, V Liuzza, S Sciarrotta, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 11 (10), 2765-2780, 2011
Landslide hazard mapping along the coastline of the Cilento region (Italy) by means of a GIS-based parameter rating approach
P Budetta, A Santo, F Vivenzio
Geomorphology 94 (3-4), 340-352, 2008
Morphostructural evolution and related kinematics of rockfalls in Campania (southern Italy): A case study
P Budetta, A Santo
Engineering Geology 36 (3-4), 197-210, 1994
Seismic soil classification of Italy based on surface geology and shear-wave velocity measurements
G Forte, E Chioccarelli, M De Falco, P Cito, A Santo, I Iervolino
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 122, 79-93, 2019
Origin and distribution of different types of sinkholes in the plain areas of Southern Italy
S Del Prete, G Iovine, M Parise, A Santo
Geodinamica Acta 23 (1-3), 113-127, 2010
Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world’s fastest-flowing groundwater
T Olarinoye, T Gleeson, V Marx, S Seeger, R Adinehvand, V Allocca, ...
Scientific Data 7 (1), 59, 2020
Collapse sinkholes in the carbonate massifs of Central and Southern Apennines
A Santo, A Ascione, S Del Prete, G Di Crescenzo, N Santangelo
Acta Carsologica 40 (1), 2011
Reconnaissance of 2016 Central Italy earthquake sequence
JP Stewart, P Zimmaro, G Lanzo, S Mazzoni, E Ausilio, S Aversa, ...
Earthquake Spectra 34 (4), 1547-1555, 2018
The Versilian transgression in the Volturno river plain (Campania, Southern Italy): Palaeoenvironmental history and chronological data
D Barra, P Romano, A Santo, L Campajola, V Roca, C Tuniz
Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 10 (1), 445-458, 1997
Physics-based seismic input for engineering applications: a case study in the Aterno river valley, Central Italy
L Evangelista, S Del Gaudio, C Smerzini, A d’Onofrio, G Festa, I Iervolino, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 2645-2671, 2017
Analysis of sinkhole triggering mechanisms in the hinterland of Naples (southern Italy)
AS di Santolo, G Forte, A Santo
Engineering geology 237, 42-52, 2018
An integrated geological, geotechnical and geophysical approach to identify predisposing factors for flowslide occurrence
R Di Maio, C De Paola, G Forte, E Piegari, M Pirone, A Santo, G Urciuoli
Engineering Geology 267, 105473, 2020
Use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for photogrammetric surveys in rockfall instability studies
M Danzi, G Di Crescenzo, M Ramondini, A Santo
Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana 24, 82-85, 2013
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