A low‐cost feedback control systems laboratory setup via Arduino–Simulink interface I Uyanik, B Catalbas Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (3), 718-726, 2018 | 40 | 2018 |
A low-cost laboratory experiment setup for frequency domain analysis for a feedback control systems course B Çatalbaş, İ Uyanık IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 15704-15709, 2017 | 17 | 2017 |
Human activity recognition with different artificial neural network based classifiers B Çatalbaş, B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgül 2017 25th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Recurrent neural network learning with an application to the control of legged locomotion B Çatalbaş PQDT-Global, 2015 | 11 | 2015 |
Two-legged robot motion control with recurrent neural networks B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgül Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 104 (4), 59, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
A comparative study of classification methods for fall detection B Çatalbaş, B Yücesoy, G Seçer, M Aslan 2014 22nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2014 | 6 | 2014 |
A new initialization method for artificial neural networks: Laplacian B Çatalbaş, B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgül 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Two-Legged Robot System Identification With Artificial Neural Networks B Çatalbaş, B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgül 2020 28th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2020 | 4 | 2020 |
Control and system identification of legged locomotion with recurrent neural networks B Çatalbaş PQDT-Global, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Yapay Sinir Aglarında Yeni Bir Ön Deger Atama Yöntemi: Laplasyen B Çatalbas, B Çatalbas, Ö Morgül 2018 26th Signal Processing and Communication Applications Conference (SIU), 1-4, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Tracking the Nodal Point of Weakly Electric Fish Using Artificial Neural Networks B Çatalbaş, D Elikuru, EY Aydın, İ Uyanik 2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Identification and Control of a Linear Time-Periodic Test Bench Using Harmonic Transfer Functions and LQR Controllers B Sert, B Catalbas, I Uyanik 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2023 | | 2023 |
Control and System Identification of Legged Locomotion with Recurrent Neural Networks/Tekrarlayan Sinir Ağları ile Bacaklı Lokomosyonun Kontrolü ve Sistem Tanımlanması B Çatalbaş Bilkent Universitesi (Turkey), 2022 | | 2022 |
Yapay sinir ağlarında yeni bir ön değer atama yöntemi: laplasyen B Çatalbas, B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgül IEEE, 0 | | |
Tracking the Nodal Point of Weakly Electric Fish Using Artificial Neural Networks Zayif Elektrik Baliklarinin Düǧüm Noktasinin Yapay Sinir Aǧlari Kullanilarak Takip Edilmesi B Çatalbaş, D Elikuru, E Aydin, İ UYANIK | | |
Human activity recognition with different artificial neural network based classifiers Farkli Yapay Sinir Aǧi Temelli Siniflandiricilar ile İnsan Hareketi Tanimlama B Catalbas, B Çatalbaş, O Morgul | | |
Two-Legged Robot System Identication with Articial Neural Networks Yapay Sinir Aglari Ile Iki Ayakli Robot Sistem Tanilamasi B Çatalbaş, B Catalbas, O Morgul | | |
A new initialization method for artificial neural networks: Laplacian Yapay sinir aǧlarinda yeni bir ön deǧer atama yöntemi: Laplasyen B Çatalbas, B Çatalbaş, Ö Morgul | | |
A comparative study of classification methods for fall detection Düşme tespiti için siniflandirma yöntemlerinin karşilaştirilmasi B Çatalbaş, B Yucesoy, G Secer, M Aslan | | |