Jose Enrique Olivera Garcia
Métodos básicos para el estudio de la sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos
J García, R Cantón, E García, M Gómez, L Martínez, C Rodríguez, J Vila
Procedimientos en Microbiología Clínica. Recomendaciones de la Sociedad …, 2000
Comparative genomic hybridization of oocytes and first polar bodies from young donors
E Fragouli, A Escalona, C Gutierrez-Mateo, S Tormasi, S Alfarawati, ...
Reproductive biomedicine online 19 (2), 228-237, 2009
Peril in the market-classification and dosage of species used as anti-diabetics in Lima, Peru
RW Bussmann, N Paniagua-Zambrana, MR Chamorro, NM Moreira, ...
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 9 (1), 37, 2013
The Neogene rise of the tropical Andes facilitated diversification of wax palms (Ceroxylon: Arecaceae) through geographical colonization and climatic niche …
MJ Sanín, WD Kissling, CD Bacon, F Borchsenius, G Galeano, ...
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (2), 303-317, 2016
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the new world screw‐worm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
TT Torres, RPV Brondani, JE Garcia, AML Azeredo‐Espin
Molecular Ecology Notes 4 (2), 182-184, 2004
Ticks Associated with Armadillo (Euphractus sexcinctus) and Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) of Emas National Park, State of Goias, Brazil
GH Bechara, MPJ Szabó, WV Almeida Filho, JN Bechara, RJG Pereira, ...
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 969 (1), 290-293, 2002
Procedimientos en microbiología clínica
J García, R Cantón, J García, M Gómez, L MARTíNEz, C Rodriguez, J Vila
Recomendaciones de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y …, 2000
Cáncer de mama Cuestiones más frecuentes
JL Bayo, J García, DA Lucha, RV Valentín
Lima: Editorial Entheos, 2007
A bond graph approach for modeling switching losses of power semiconductor devices
J Garcia, G Dauphin-Tanguy, C Rombaut
SIMULATION SERIES 29, 207-212, 1997
Electrothermal bond graph model for semiconductor switching devices
J Garcia, G Dauphin-Tanguy, C Rombaut
Proceedings of Applied Power Electronics Conference. APEC'96 1, 258-263, 1996
Il metodo delle due funzioni di distribuzione: Il modello triangolare. Una revisione
J García, S Cruz, AS Andújar
Genio Rurale 11, 3-8, 1999
Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma invading the orbit
FJ Ascaso, MI Adiego, J Garcia, J Royo, H Valles, A Palomar, ...
European journal of ophthalmology 4 (4), 234-236, 1994
Protocolo maniobra de decubito prono en el servicio de medicina intensiva
J García, J Piqueras, M Ortiz, M Martínez, C Carrilero, M Torralba, ...
Gerencia de atención integrada de Albacete. Servicio de salud de Castilla-La …, 2018
Human platelet CD36 (GPIIIb, GPIV) binds to cholesteryl-hemisuccinate and can be purified by a simple two-step method making use of this property
A Kronenberg, H Grahl, B Kehrel
Thrombosis and haemostasis 79 (05), 1021-1024, 1998
Modeling and simulating the dynamic electrothermal behavior of power electronic circuits using bond graphs
J Garcia, GD Tanguy, C Rombaut
PESC Record. 27th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2 …, 1996
Bond graph modeling of thermal effects in switching devices
J Garcia, G Dauphin-Tanguy, C Rombaut
SIMULATION SERIES 27, 145-145, 1994
La construcción historiográfica del arte
A Urquízar, JE García
Madrid: Universitaria Ramón Areces, 2012
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the woolly mouse opossum, Micoureus paraguayanus (Marsupialia: Didelphimorphia)
FP Rodrigues, FS Rocha, JE Garcia, JF Garcia, M De Vivo, SR Matioli
Molecular Ecology Notes 6 (3), 686-688, 2006
Reciprocal translocations and infertility: molecular cloning of breakpoints in a case of constitutional translocation t (11; 22)(q23; q11) and preparation of probes for …
J Fung, S Munné, J Garcia, UJ Kim, HUG Weier
Reprod Fert Dev 11, 17-23, 1999
Synthesis of BaFe12O19 by oxi-coprecipitation from hydrochloric steel pickling liquors
R Latorre, J Dufour, J Garcia, EM Alcalá, C Negro, F López-Mateos
Le Journal de Physique IV 7 (C1), C1-85-C1-86, 1997
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