David A. Makin
Self-control, deviant peers, and software piracy
GE Higgins, DA Makin
Psychological reports 95 (3), 921-931, 2004
Transgender inmates in prisons: A review of applicable statutes and policies
D Routh, G Abess, D Makin, MK Stohr, C Hemmens, J Yoo
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 61 (6 …, 2017
The cannabis effect on crime: Time-series analysis of crime in Colorado and Washington State
R Lu, D Willits, MK Stohr, D Makin, J Snyder, N Lovrich, M Meize, ...
Justice Quarterly 38 (4), 565-595, 2021
Show me what happened: Analyzing use of force through analysis of body-worn camera footage
DW Willits, DA Makin
Journal of research in crime and delinquency 55 (1), 51-77, 2018
A descriptive analysis of a problem-based learning police academy
DA Makin
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 10 (1), 2016
Marijuana legalization and crime clearance rates: Testing proponent assertions in Colorado and Washington State
DA Makin, DW Willits, G Wu, KO DuBois, R Lu, MK Stohr, W Koslicki, ...
Police quarterly 22 (1), 31-55, 2019
The dark side of internet searches: A macro level assessment of rape culture
DA Makin, AL Morczek
International Journal of Cyber Criminology 9 (1), 1, 2015
Contextual determinants of observed negative emotional states in police–community interactions
DA Makin, DW Willits, W Koslicki, R Brooks, BJ Dietrich, RL Bailey
Criminal justice and behavior 46 (2), 301-318, 2019
Let’s dance: Variations of partnerships in community policing
DA Makin, O Marenin
Policing: a journal of policy and practice 11 (4), 421-436, 2017
X views and counting: Interest in rape-oriented pornography as gendered microaggression
DA Makin, AL Morczek
Journal of interpersonal violence 31 (12), 2131-2155, 2016
When the Watchers Are Watched: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Body-Worn Cameras
D Makin
Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 2016
Police integrity in China
G Wu, DA Makin, Y Li, FD Boateng, G Abess
Policing: An International Journal 41 (5), 563-577, 2018
When no one is watching: evaluating the impact of body-worn cameras on use of force incidents
WM Koslicki, DA Makin, D Willits
Policing and society, 2019
Systematic social event modeling: A methodology for analyzing body-worn camera footage
DA Makin, DW Willits, R Brooks
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (2), 163-176, 2021
Finding Lolita: A Comparative Analysis of Interest in Youth-Oriented Pornography
A Walker, DA Makin, AL Morczek
Sexuality & Culture, 1-27, 2016
Speaking out: Officers speaking about police misconduct in Ghana
FD Boateng, DA Makin, G Abess, G Wu
The police journal 92 (2), 121-135, 2019
Effects of marijuana legalization on law enforcement and crime
MK Stohr, DW Willits, DA Makin, C Hemmens, NP Lovrich, DL Stanton Sr, ...
Final report. National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, US …, 2020
The quagmire that is an unwillingness to report: Situating the code of silence within the Chinese police context
G Wu, DA Makin
Criminal justice and behavior 46 (4), 608-627, 2019
Understanding the gender gap in domestic terrorism through criminal participation
DA Makin, S Hoard
Criminal Justice Policy Review 25 (5), 531-552, 2014
The secret life of PETs A cross-sectional analysis of interest in privacy enhancing technologies
DA Makin, L Ireland
Policing-An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 2019
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