Teresa Pérez Ciria
Teresa Pérez Ciria
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Detection and interpretation of recent and historical streamflow alterations caused by river damming and hydropower production in the Adige and Inn river basins using …
TP Ciria, D Labat, G Chiogna
Journal of Hydrology 578, 124021, 2019
Coupling hydrological modeling and support vector regression to model hydropeaking in alpine catchments
G Chiogna, G Marcolini, W Liu, TP Ciria, Y Tuo
Science of the Total Environment 633, 220-229, 2018
Intra-catchment comparison and classification of long-term streamflow variability in the Alps using wavelet analysis
TP Ciria, G Chiogna
Journal of Hydrology 587, 124927, 2020
Multi-temporal scale analysis of complementarity between hydro and solar power along an alpine transect
TP Ciria, HD Puspitarini, G Chiogna, B François, M Borga
Science of The Total Environment 741, 140179, 2020
Ensemble strategies for Flash Flood Forecasting: the 29 October 2018 event in the Eastern Italian Alps
TP Ciria, M Zaramella, E Dallan, L Giovannini, D Zardi, S Davolio, ...
EGU21, 2021
Inter-catchment comparison of long-term streamflow variability and catchment classification by runoff behavior using wavelet analysis
TP Ciria, G Chiogna
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
Inter-catchment comparison of long-term streamflow variability and catchment classification by runoff behavior using wavelet analysis
T Pérez Ciria, G Chiogna
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, GC44B-05, 2019
Wavelet analysis of the streamflow variability in the Inn catchment and inter-annual to inter-decadal coherence with dominant large-scale climate indices
T Pérez Ciria, D Labat, C Zier, G Chiogna
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2201, 2019
Wavelet analysis of the streamflow variability in the Inn catchment and inter-annual to inter-decadal coherence with dominant large-scale climate indices.
TP Ciria, D Labat, C Zier, G Chiogna
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Analysis of streamflow variability in Alpine catchments at multiple spatial and temporal scales
TP Ciria, G Chiogna
2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017
Analysis of streamflow variability in Alpine catchments at multiple spatial and temporal scales
T Pérez Ciria, G Chiogna
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H41E-1494, 2017
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