Юрженко Альона Юріївна
Юрженко Альона Юріївна
Херсонська державна морська академія
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An e-course based on the LMS MOODLE to teach" Maritime English for professional purpose"
АY Yurzhenko
Information Technologies and Learning Tools, 2019
Педагогічні умови підготовки майбутніх суднових механіків у процесі вивчення англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням
АЮ Юрженко
Інженерні та освітні технології 6 (4), 48-57, 2018
Ensuring sustainable development of education of future maritime transport professionals by means of network interaction
ES Dyagileva, N Goridko, HV Popova, SA Voloshynov, AY Yurzhenko
Kryvyi Rih National University, 2020
Competency Framework as an Instrument to Assess Professional Competency of Future Seafarers
H Popova, A Yurzhenko
ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications. Proc. 15 th Int …, 2019
Computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions
O Diahyleva, I Gritsuk, O Kononova, A Yurzhenko
The 8th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education, 411-422, 2020
Interactive course “Maritime English” in the professional training of future mariners. Development trends in pedagogical and psychological sciences: the experience of countries …
M Sherman, H Popova, A Yurzhenko
Baltija Publishing, 2018
The use of digital escape room in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions
SA Voloshynov, HV Popova, AY Yurzhenko, EO Shmeltser
Arnold E. Kiv, Mariya P. Shyshkina, 2020
Mixed reality technologies as tool to form professional competency of sea transport professionals
V Cherniavskyi, H Popova, M Sherman, S Voloshynov, A Yurzhenko
ICTERI-2020: 16th International conference on ICT in research, education and …, 2020
The use of digital technologies while formation of professional competencies of future seafarers by means of LMS MOODLE
S Voloshynov, A Yurzhenko
Дев'ята міжнародна науково-практична конференція MoodleMoot Ukraine 2021, 2021
Informational Visualization on E-Courses of Higher Maritime Educational Institutions
O Bezlutska, A Leshchenko, A Yurzhenko, A Paziak
VII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Information Technology and Interactions …, 2020
Створення електронного курсу «Mорська англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням» на платформі MOODLE,«MoodleMoot Ukraine 2018. Теорія і практика використання системи …
СА Волошинов, МІ Шерман, АЮ Юрженко
К: КНУБА, 2018
Experimental research on the formation of future ship engineers’ communicative competence based on gamification approach
АY Yurzhenko, MI Sherman
Educational Dimension., 2020
Тhe concepts of “communicative competence” and “gamification of English for special purpose learning” in scientific discourse
АY Yurzhenko
" Scientific Route" European Union, 2018
Creation of a distance communication channel with gamification elements
AY Yurzhenko, JY Bevzenko, OY Kononova
Handbook of Research on the Influence and Effectiveness of Gamification in …, 2022
Система формування англомовної компетентності майбутніх фахівців морської справи на базі LMS MOODLE
ОС Дягилева, АЮ Юрженко
Створення інформаційно-освітнього середовища сучасного закладу освіти …, 2019
Simulation modeling as a means of solving professionally-oriented problems in maritime industry
T Zaytseva, L Kravtsova, O Tereshchenkova, A Yurzhenko
International Scientific Conference “Intellectual Systems of Decision Making …, 2021
Intelligent Information Technology in the System of Teachers' Advanced Training.
O Dyagileva, M Masonkova, A Paziak, A Yurzhenko, A Striuk
ITTAP, 306-313, 2021
Advanced teachers training in the remote mode.
A Leshchenko, A Paziak, O Diahyleva, M Masonkova, A Yurzhenko
teleXbe (2), 2021
Formation of digital and research competences in the training of it professionals in a modern university
M Sherman, Y Samchynska, M Sikelinda, A Yurzhenko
Journal of Information Technologies in Education (ITE), 18-30, 2020
Innovative scientific researches: European development trends and regional aspect
N Ababilova, O Bigych, R Diana, Y Volynets, N Stadnik, E Volynets, ...
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