Korotyeyev Igor
Korotyeyev Igor
在 iee.uz.zgora.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
New family of matrix-reactance frequency converters based on unipolar PWM AC matrix-reactance choppers
Z Fedyczak, P Szczesniak, I Korotyeyev
2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 236-243, 2008
Generation of matrix-reactance frequency converters based on unipolar PWM AC matrix-reactance choppers
Z Fedyczak, P Szczesniak, I Korotyeyev
2008 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 1821-1827, 2008
Electrotechnical Systems: Calculation and Analysis with Mathematica and PSpice
I Korotyeyev, V Zhuikov, R Kasperek
CRC Press, 2018
Steady and transient states modelling methods of matrix‐reactance frequency converter with buck‐boost topology
IY Korotyeyev, Z Fedyczak
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2009
Steady‐state modelling of basic unipolar PWM AC line matrix‐reactance choppers
IY Korotyeyev, Z Fedyczak
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2005
Steady and transient state analysis of a matrix-reactance frequency converter based on a boost PWM AC matrix-reactance chopper
I Korotyeyev, Z Fedyczak, P Szczesniak
2008 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation, 1-6, 2008
An averaged AC Models accuracy evaluation of non-isolated matrix-reactance PWM AC line conditioners
IY Korotyeyev, Z Fedyczak, R Strzelecki, KP Sozański
Proc. of 9th EPE 1, 1-P11, 2001
The calculation of steady-state processes in circuits of voltage converters, which are working on periodical load
IY Korotyeyev
Electrimacs 99 (modelling and simulation of electric machines converters an …, 1999
Analize of the steady-state in AC/AC converters
IY Korotyeyev, M Klytta, B Zięba
Tehnična Elektrodinamika: Problemi Suczasnoi Elektrotehniki 7, 62-65, 2008
Analysis of transient and steady state processes in three-phase symmetric matrix-reactance converter system
IY Korotyeyev, Z Fedyczak
Technicznaja Elektrodinamika, Nacjonalnaja Akademia Nauk Ukrainy 1, 91-96, 2008
Bipolar PWM AC line matrix-reactance choppers–the steady state basic energetic properties
Z Fedyczak, IY Korotyeyev
Proc. of the EPE'03 on CD, 2003
Analyse of steady-state process in circuits with incommensurable frequencies of voltage sources
I Korotyeyev, M Klytta
2016 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems …, 2016
Steady state analysis in PWM inverters based on two dimensional Laplace transform
I Korotyeyev
Tekhnicheskaia Elektrodin. Silov. Elektron. ta energoefektivnist, 182-186, 2012
Mathematical modelling of steady-state processes in AC/AC converters using Galerkin’s method
IY Korotyeyev, B Zięba
Tehnična Elektrodinamika 3, 100-103, 2009
Approximation of a steady-state solution in AC/AC converters
IY Korotyeyev, M Klytta, B Zięba
Tehnična Elektrodinamika: Silova elektronika ta energoefektivnist 2, 50-53, 2007
Steady-state analysis of DC converter using Galerkin’s method
I Korotyeyev
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2019
Process analysis in single-phase half-bridge inverter based on extension of differential equations
IY Korotyeyev, M Klytta
Загальнодержавний науково-виробничий та інформаційний журнал …, 2013
Mathematical modelling of matrix-reactance frequency converter described by nonstationary differential equations
IY Korotyeyev, B Ziȩba
2010 International School on Nonsinusoidal Currents and Compensation, 144-147, 2010
Modelowanie matematyczne procesów w przekształtnikach prądu przemiennego za pomocą metody Galerkina i podwójnych szeregów Fouriera
I Korotyeyev, B Zięba
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 86 (2), 259-262, 2010
Nowa rodzina przemienników częstotliwości prądu przemiennego bazujących na topologiach jednobiegunowych sterowników matrycowo-reaktancyjnych
Z Fedyczak, P Szcześniak, I Korotyeyev
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 84 (11), 308-315, 2008
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