Matthias Pursch
Matthias Pursch
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Comprehensive two dimensional gas chromatography review
HJ Cortes, B Winniford, J Luong, M Pursch
Journal of separation science 32 (5‐6), 883-904, 2009
C30 stationary phases for the analysis of food by liquid chromatography
LC Sander, KE Sharpless, M Pursch
Journal of Chromatography A 880 (1-2), 189-202, 2000
Shape selectivity for constrained solutes in reversed-phase liquid chromatography
LC Sander, M Pursch, SA Wise
Analytical chemistry 71 (21), 4821-4830, 1999
Temperature-Dependent Behavior of C30 Interphases. A Solid-State NMR and LC−NMR Study
M Pursch, S Strohschein, H Händel, K Albert
Analytical Chemistry 68 (2), 386-393, 1996
Shape Selectivity of C30 Phases for RP-HPLC Separation of Tocopherol Isomers and Correlation with MAS NMR Data from Suspended Stationary Phases
S Strohschein, M Pursch, D Lubda, K Albert
Analytical Chemistry 70 (1), 13-18, 1998
Chain Order and Mobility of High-Density C18 Phases by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and Liquid Chromatography
M Pursch, LC Sander, K Albert
Analytical chemistry 68 (23), 4107-4113, 1996
Modulation techniques and applications in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC× GC)
M Pursch, K Sun, B Winniford, H Cortes, A Weber, T McCabe, J Luong
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 373, 356-367, 2002
Stationary interphases with extended alkyl chains: a comparative study on chain order by solid-state NMR spectroscopy
M Pursch, R Brindle, A Ellwanger, LC Sander, CM Bell, H Händel, ...
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 9 (2-4), 191-201, 1997
Loop-based multiple heart-cutting two-dimensional liquid chromatography for target analysis in complex matrices
M Pursch, S Buckenmaier
Analytical chemistry 87 (10), 5310-5317, 2015
Stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography
M Pursch, LC Sander
Journal of Chromatography A 887 (1-2), 313-326, 2000
Monitoring the Reaction Progress in Combinatorial Chemistry: 1H MAS NMR Investigations on Single Macro Beads in the Suspended State
M Pursch, G Schlotterbeck, LH Tseng, K Albert, W Rapp
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 35 (23‐24), 2867-2869, 1996
C30 Self-Assembled Monolayers on Silica, Titania, and Zirconia:  HPLC Performance, Atomic Force Microscopy, Ellipsometry, and NMR Studies of Molecular …
M Pursch, DL Vanderhart, LC Sander, X Gu, T Nguyen, SA Wise, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (29), 6997-7011, 2000
Architecture and Dynamics of C22 Bonded Interphases
M Pursch, LC Sander, HJ Egelhaaf, M Raitza, SA Wise, D Oelkrug, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 121 (13), 3201-3213, 1999
Structure elucidation of β-carotene isomers by HPLC-NMR coupling using a C30 bonded phase
S Strohschein, M Pursch, H Händel, K Albert
Fresenius' journal of analytical chemistry 357, 498-502, 1997
Peer reviewed: understanding reversed-phase LC with solid-state NMR
M Pursch, LC Sander, K Albert
Analytical chemistry 71 (21), 733A-741A, 1999
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography using liquid nitrogen modulation: set-up and applications
M Pursch, P Eckerle, J Biel, R Streck, H Cortes, K Sun, B Winniford
Journal of Chromatography A 1019 (1-2), 43-51, 2003
Investigating the selectivity of triacontyl interphases
K Albert, T Lacker, M Raitza, M Pursch, HJ Egelhaaf, D Oelkrug
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 37 (6), 777-780, 1998
FTIR Studies of C30 Self-Assembled Monolayers on Silica, Titania, and Zirconia
G Srinivasan, M Pursch, LC Sander, K Mueller
Langmuir 20 (5), 1746-1752, 2004
1H MAS NMR spectroscopy of chemically modified silica gels: a fast method to characterize stationary interphases for chromatography
R Brindle, M Pursch, K Albert
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 6 (3), 251-266, 1996
Separation of Carotenoid Isomers by Capillary Electrochromatography with C30 Stationary Phases
LC Sander, M Pursch, B Märker, SA Wise
Analytical Chemistry 71 (16), 3477-3483, 1999
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