Bryan Cook
Bryan Cook
Professor of Special Education, University of Virginia
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Evidence-based practices and implementation science in special education
BG Cook, SL Odom
Exceptional children 79 (2), 135-144, 2013
A comparison of teachers' attitudes toward their included students with mild and severe disabilities
BG Cook
The journal of special education 34 (4), 203-213, 2001
Teachers attitudes toward their included students with disabilities
BG Cook, M Tankersley, L Cook, TJ Landrum
Exceptional children 67 (1), 115-135, 2000
Unraveling evidence-based practices in special education
BG Cook, SC Cook
The Journal of Special Education 47 (2), 71-82, 2013
Attitudes of principals and special education teachers toward the inclusion of students with mild disabilities: Critical differences of opinion
BG Cook, MI Semmel, MM Gerber
Remedial and special education 20 (4), 199-207, 1999
Inclusive attitudes, strengths, and weaknesses of pre-service general educators enrolled in a curriculum infusion teacher preparation program
BG Cook
Teacher Education and Special Education 25 (3), 262-277, 2002
Determining evidence-based practices in special education
BG Cook, M Tankersley, TJ Landrum
Exceptional children 75 (3), 365-383, 2009
Inclusive teachers' attitudinal ratings of their students with disabilities
BG Cook, DL Cameron, M Tankersley
The journal of special education 40 (4), 230-238, 2007
CEC’s standards for classifying the evidence base of practices in special education
BG Cook, V Buysse, J Klingner, TJ Landrum, RA McWilliam, M Tankersley, ...
Remedial and Special Education 36 (4), 220-234, 2015
What is special about special education? Overview and analysis
BG Cook, BR Schirmer
The Journal of Special Education 37 (3), 200-205, 2003
Council for Exceptional Children: Standards for evidence-based practices in special education
B Cook, V Buysse, J Klingner, T Landrum, R McWilliam, M Tankersley, ...
Teaching Exceptional Children 46 (6), 206, 2014
Nonexperimental quantitative research and its role in guiding instruction
BG Cook, L Cook
Intervention in School and Clinic 44 (2), 98-104, 2008
Universal design for instruction in postsecondary education: A systematic review of empirically based articles.
KD Roberts, HJ Park, S Brown, B Cook
Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability 24 (1), 5-15, 2011
Evidence-based practices in special education: Some practical considerations
BG Cook, M Tankersley, L Cook, TJ Landrum
Intervention in School and Clinic 44 (2), 69-75, 2008
Research in special education: Designs, methods, and applications
PD Rumrill Jr, BG Cook, NA Stevenson
Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2020
Peer acceptance of included students with disabilities as a function of severity of disability and classroom composition
BG Cook, MI Semmel
The Journal of Special Education 33 (1), 50-61, 1999
Evidence-based practices in education.
BG Cook, GJ Smith, M Tankersley
American Psychological Association, 2012
Inclusive teachers' attitudes toward their students with disabilities: A replication and extension
BG Cook
The Elementary School Journal 104 (4), 307-320, 2004
Teacher perceptions of the trustworthiness, usability, and accessibility of information from different sources
TJ Landrum, BG Cook, M Tankersley, S Fitzgerald
Remedial and Special Education 23 (1), 42-48, 2002
Bringing research to bear on practice: Effecting evidence-based instruction for students with emotional or behavioral disorders
BG Cook, TJ Landrum, M Tankersley, JM Kauffman
Education and Treatment of Children, 345-361, 2003
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