Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo
Muhammad Ridwan Andi Purnomo
在 uii.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Generation of fuzzy rules with subtractive clustering
A Priyono, M Ridwan, AJ Alias, RAOK Rahmat, A Hassan, MAM Ali
Jurnal Teknologi, 143–153-143–153, 2005
Metodologi Penelitian Sebuah Petunjuk Praktis
C Saleh, MRA Purnomo
Yogyakarta: CV. Jaya Abadi, 2008
Rancang bangun e-voting dengan menggunakan keamanan algoritma rivest shamir adleman (RSA) berbasis web (studi kasus: pemilihan ketua BEM FMIPA)
M Ridwan, Z Arifin
INA-Rxiv, 2016
A multi-echelon fish closed-loop supply chain network problem with carbon emission and traceability
MRA Purnomo, ID Wangsa, N Rizky, WA Jauhari, I Zahria
Expert Systems with Applications 210, 118416, 2022
Haar cascade and convolutional neural network face detection in client-side for cloud computing face recognition
RA Asmara, M Ridwan, G Budiprasetyo
2021 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technology (IEIT …, 2021
Perancangan Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Backward Chaining Untuk Diagnosa Penyakit Pada Hewan Ternak Sapi Berbasis Web
A Nur, D Ikhsan, I Ariadi, MB Rosyid, M Ridwan
Semnasteknomedia Online 5 (1), 3-6-19, 2017
Fuzzy-analytical-hierarchy process in failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) to identify process failure in the warehouse of a cement industry
A Hassan, MRA Purnomo, AR Anugerah
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 18 (2), 378-388, 2020
Analisis pengembangan model bisnis pada industri animasi menggunakan business model canvas yang terbatasi biaya
D Oktapriandi, MRA Purnomo, A Parkhan
Teknoin 23 (3), 195-210, 2017
Perbankan Syariah
M Ridwan, M Rizal
Malang: Empatdua Media, 2018
Profil morfologi dan pendugaan jarak genetik sapi Simmental hasil persilangan
PP Agung, M Ridwan, I Handrie, F Saputra, E Supraptono
Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Veteriner 19 (2), 112-122, 2014
Sustainable supply chain management framework in a higher education laboratory using intuitionistic fuzzy cognitive map
MRA Purnomo, AR Anugerah, BT Dewipramesti
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 13 (2), 417-429, 2020
Multi-objective mixed integer programming approach for facility layout design by considering closeness ratings, material handling, and re-layout cost
MRA Purnomo, YS Wiwoho
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (1), 012045, 2016
Simulation-based performance improvement towards mass customization in make to order repetitive company
MRA Purnomo, MF Sufa
Procedia Manufacturing 2, 408-412, 2015
Pengaruh Insulin Terhadap Fungsi Kardiovaskular
M Ridwan, W Gotera
Penyakit Dalam 10, 2009
Development of a low cost smart traffic controller system
MRA Purnomo, DA Wahab, A Hassan, RA Rahmat
European Journal of Scientific Research 32 (4), 490-499, 2009
Adoption of halal standard in malaysian food industry: a case of small and medium enterprises
FR Azmi, A Abdullah, SH Yahaya, M Woźniak, MRA Purnomo
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT) 13 (3), 2019
Perbandingan Virtual Private Network Protokol Menggunakan Point to Point Tunnel Protocol dan OpenVPN
HB Seta, M Ridwan, T Wati
Konferensi Nasional Sistem & Informatika, 1-6, 2015
Analisis SWOT untuk digitalisasi strategi pemasaran usaha kecil dan menengah kerajinan bambu
MFN Maghfiroh, D Janari, MRA Purnomo
Journal of Appropriate Technology for Community Services 3 (2), 1-11, 2022
Application of LVQ Neural Network in Real–Time Adaptive Traffic Signal Control
A Priyono, M Ridwan, AJ Alias, RAOK Rahmat, A Hassan, MAM Ali
Jurnal Teknologi, 29–44-29–44, 2005
Face recognition using arcface and facenet in google cloud platform for attendance system mobile application
RA Asmara, B Sayudha, M Mentari, RPP Budiman, AN Handayani, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Technology, Applied Science and Engineering …, 2022
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