Esther Ledelle Mead
Esther Ledelle Mead
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Southern Arkansas University
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Identifying toxicity within youtube video comment
A Obadimu, E Mead, MN Hussain, N Agarwal
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 12th International Conference …, 2019
Teamwork skill assessment: Development of a measure for academia
O Varela, E Mead
Journal of Education for Business 93 (4), 172-182, 2018
Developing a socio-computational approach to examine toxicity propagation and regulation in COVID-19 discourse on YouTube
A Obadimu, T Khaund, E Mead, T Marcoux, N Agarwal
Information Processing & Management 58 (5), 102660, 2021
Using an epidemiological model to study the spread of misinformation during the black lives matter movement
M Maleki, E Mead, M Arani, N Agarwal
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12191, 2021
Identifying latent toxic features on YouTube using non-negative matrix factorization
A Obadimu, E Mead, N Agarwal
The Ninth International Conference on Social Media Technologies …, 2019
Examining video recommendation bias on YouTube
B Kirdemir, J Kready, E Mead, MN Hussain, N Agarwal
International Workshop on Algorithmic Bias in Search and Recommendation, 106-116, 2021
Developing an epidemiological model to study spread of toxicity on YouTube
A Obadimu, E Mead, M Maleki, N Agarwal
International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling …, 2020
Assessing bias in YouTube’s video recommendation algorithm in a cross-lingual and cross-topical context
B Kirdemir, J Kready, E Mead, MN Hussain, N Agarwal, D Adjeroh
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 14th International Conference …, 2021
Applying diffusion of innovations theory to social networks to understand the stages of adoption in connective action campaigns
B Spann, E Mead, M Maleki, N Agarwal, T Williams
Online Social Networks and Media 28, 100201, 2022
Applying an epidemiological model to evaluate the propagation of misinformation and legitimate COVID-19-related information on twitter
M Maleki, M Arani, E Buchholz, E Mead, N Agarwal
International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling …, 2021
A public online resource to track COVID-19 misinfodemic
T Marcoux, K Galeano, R Galeano, K DiCicco, H Al Rubaye, E Mead, ...
Social Network Analysis and Mining 11 (1), 45, 2021
A comparative analysis of Facebook and Twitter bots
A Obadimu, E Mead, S Al-Khateeb, N Agarwal
Assessing situation awareness through blogosphere: a case study on Venezuelan socio-political crisis and the migrant influx
EL Mead, MN Hussain, M Nooman, S Al-khateeb, N Agarwal
The Seventh International Conference on Social Media Technologies …, 2017
The role of youtube during the 2019 Canadian federal election: a multi-method analysis of online discourse and information actors
KK Galeano, L Galeano, E Mead, B Spann, J Kready, N Agarwal
J. Future Conflict 2, 1-22, 2020
Applying an Epidemiological Model to Evaluate the Propagation of Toxicity related to COVID-19 on Twitter
M Maleki, M Arani, E Mead, J Kready, N Agarwal
The Ebb and Flow of the COVID-19 Misinformation Themes.
T Marcoux, E Mead, N Agarwal
CIKM (Workshops), 2020
Developing Approaches to Detect and Mitigate COVID-19 Misinfodemic in Social Networks for Proactive Policymaking
N Agarwal, E Mead, B Spann, K Donoven
COVID-19 Disinformation: A Multi-National, Whole of Society Perspective, 47-79, 2022
Assessing the influence and reach of digital activity amongst far-right actors: A comparative evaluation of mainstream and ‘free speech’social media platforms
HW McNerney, B Spann, EL Mead, J Kready, T Marcoux, N Agarwal
University of Leicester 4 (1), 2022
Using Diffusion of Innovations Theory to Study Connective Action Campaigns
B Spann, M Maleki, E Mead, E Buchholz, N Agarwal, T Williams
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 14th International Conference …, 2021
Proposing a Broader Scope of Predictive Features for Modeling Refugee Counts
E Mead, M Maleki, R Erol, N Agarwal
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021, 154-160, 2021
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