Heather Rackin
Heather Rackin
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The correspondence between fertility intentions and behavior in the United States
SP Morgan, H Rackin
Population and development review 36 (1), 91-118, 2010
Marriage or carriage? Trends in union context and birth type by education
C Gibson‐Davis, H Rackin
Journal of Marriage and Family 76 (3), 506-519, 2014
Assessing the predictive value of fertility expectations through a cognitive–social model
HM Rackin, CA Bachrach
Population Research and Policy Review 35, 527-551, 2016
The role of pre‐and postconception relationships for first‐time parents
H Rackin, CM Gibson‐Davis
Journal of Marriage and Family 74 (3), 526-539, 2012
Prospective versus retrospective measurement of unwanted fertility: Strengths, weaknesses, and inconsistencies assessed for a cohort of US women
HM Rackin, SP Morgan
Demographic research 39, 61, 2018
Unchurched Christian nationalism and the 2016 US Presidential election
S Stroope, P Froese, HM Rackin, J Delehanty
Sociological forum 36 (2), 405-425, 2021
Social class divergence in family transitions: The importance of cohabitation
HM Rackin, CM Gibson‐Davis
Journal of Marriage and Family 80 (5), 1271-1286, 2018
Breastfeeding and the role of maternal religion: Results from a national prospective cohort study
S Stroope, HM Rackin, JL Stroope, JE Uecker
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 52 (4), 319-330, 2018
Collective resources and violent crime reconsidered: New Orleans before and after Hurricane Katrina
FD Weil, M Barton, H Rackin, M Valasik, D Maddox
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (13-14), NP7045-NP7069, 2021
Low‐income childless young adults' marriage and fertility frameworks
HM Rackin, CM Gibson‐Davis
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (4), 1096-1110, 2017
Christian nationalism and views of immigrants in the United States: Is the relationship stronger for the religiously inactive?
S Stroope, HM Rackin, P Froese
Socius 7, 2378023120985116, 2021
Is Baby a Blessing? Wantedness, age at first birth, and later‐life depression
HM Rackin, MS Brasher
Journal of Marriage and Family 78 (5), 1269-1284, 2016
Environmental attitudes and fertility desires among US adolescents from 2005–2019
HM Rackin, A Gemmill, CS Hartnett
Journal of Marriage and Family 85 (2), 631-644, 2023
Collective resources in the repopulation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
FD Weil, HM Rackin, D Maddox
Natural Hazards 94, 927-952, 2018
Social capital and the repopulation of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
HM Rackin, F Weil
Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, San Diego, 2015
A half century of fertility change
SP Morgan, H Rackin
Journal of Comparative Family Studies 41 (4), 515-535, 2010
What was washed away and what remained: an assessment of the impact of Hurricane Katrina on index crimes
MS Barton, FD Weil, MA Valasik, HM Rackin, L Coto
Journal of Crime and Justice 43 (5), 640-658, 2020
Where should babies come from? Measuring schemas of fertility and family formation using novel theory and methods
HM Rackin
Duke University, 2013
Exploring the experiences of pregnant women in the US during the first year of the Covid‐19 pandemic
CE Williams, D Berkowitz, HM Rackin
Journal of Social Issues 79 (2), 617-645, 2023
Comparing veteran and non-veteran racial disparities in mid-life health and well-being
HM Rackin
Population Research and Policy Review 36, 331-356, 2017
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