Christine Wieck
Christine Wieck
Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy, University of Hohenheim (Germany)
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The impact of regulatory heterogeneity on agri‐food trade
N Winchester, ML Rau, C Goetz, B Larue, T Otsuki, K Shutes, C Wieck, ...
The World Economy 35 (8), 973-993, 2012
Regulatory policies in meat trade: is there evidence for least trade-distorting sanitary regulations?
SW Schlueter, C Wieck, T Heckelei
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91 (5), 1484-1490, 2009
Determinants, differentiation, and development of short‐term marginal costs in dairy production: an empirical analysis for selected regions of the EU
C Wieck, T Heckelei
Agricultural Economics 36 (2), 203-220, 2007
An analytical framework to estimate the economics and adoption potential of dual land-use systems: The case of agrivoltaics
A Feuerbacher, M Laub, P Högy, C Lippert, L Pataczek, S Schindele, ...
Agricultural Systems 192, 103193, 2021
Assessment of the impact of avian influenza–related regulatory policies on poultry meat trade and welfare
C Wieck, SW Schlüter, W Britz
The World Economy 35 (8), 1037-1052, 2012
Empirical evidence on the trade impact of asynchronous regulatory approval of new GMO events
RN de Faria, C Wieck
Food Policy 53, 22-32, 2015
Mid-term review proposal impact analysis with the CAPRI modelling system
W Britz, I Perez, C Wieck
Mid-term review of the common agricultural policy, 111-140, 2002
National Framework of the CAPRI Data base: The CoCo-Module
W Britz, C Wieck, T Jansson
Working paper 02–04, CAPRI Project, Institute for Agricultural Policy, Bonn, 2002
Regulatory differences in the approval of GMOs: Extent and development over time
RN De Faria, C Wieck
World Trade Review 15 (1), 85-108, 2016
Determinants of spatial dynamics of dairy production: a review
C Mosnier, C Wieck
Broiler production systems in Ghana: economics and the impact of frozen chicken imports
C Chibanda, MI Almadani, P Thobe, C Wieck
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 25 (4), 619-634, 2022
Indicators everywhere: The new accountability of agricultural policy?
C Wieck, I Hausmann
The economic effect of the Canadian BSE outbreak on the US economy
C Wieck, DW Holland
Applied Economics 42 (8), 935-946, 2010
Analytical framework for the NTM-impact project
S Schlueter, ML Rau, C Wieck, J Humphrey, L Colen, T Heckelei
Centre de Coopeération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le …, 2009
Policy description in the CAPRI model
F Junker, C Wieck, T Jansson, I Pérez
Working paper, University of Bonn, 2003
Sustainable food consumption and Sustainable Development Goal 12: Conceptual challenges for monitoring and implementation
K Mensah, C Wieck, B Rudloff
Sustainable Development 32 (1), 1109-1119, 2024
Agri-investments and public spending in selected vulnerable countries–will they contribute to reduce food insecurity?
C Wieck, B Rudloff, A Heucher
Impact analysis of the European Commission’s proposal under the mid-term review of the Common Agricultural Policy (using the CAPRI model)
W Britz, W Henrichsmeyer, C Wieck, I Perez
Final Report, 2002
Evaluation of minimum animal welfare conditions in national standards and farm certification schemes for pig fattening
DN Annen, C Wieck, M Kempen
Acta Agriculturae Scand Section A 61 (1), 40-54, 2011
The Bioterrorism Act of the USA and international food trade: Evaluating WTO conformity and effects on bilateral imports
C Wieck, B Rudloff, TI Wahl
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