Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies S Joel, PW Eastwick, CJ Allison, XB Arriaga, ZG Baker, E Bar-Kalifa, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 19061-19071, 2020 | 263 | 2020 |
Attachment anxiety and reactions to relationship threat: The benefits and costs of inducing guilt in romantic partners. NC Overall, YU Girme, EP Lemay Jr, MD Hammond Journal of personality and social psychology 106 (2), 235, 2014 | 217 | 2014 |
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and extension of a short measure of the Big-Six factors of personality in New Zealand. CG Sibley, N Luyten, M Purnomo, A Mobberley, LW Wootton, ... New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40 (3), 2011 | 170 | 2011 |
Benevolent sexism and hostile sexism across the ages MD Hammond, P Milojev, Y Huang, CG Sibley Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (7), 863-874, 2018 | 143 | 2018 |
Benevolent sexism and support of romantic partner’s goals: Undermining women’s competence while fulfilling men’s intimacy needs MD Hammond, NC Overall Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 41 (9), 1180-1194, 2015 | 133 | 2015 |
Why are benevolent sexists happier? MD Hammond, CG Sibley Sex Roles 65 (5), 332-343, 2011 | 125 | 2011 |
Gendered division of labor during a nationwide COVID-19 lockdown: Implications for relationship problems and satisfaction N Waddell, NC Overall, VT Chang, MD Hammond Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (6), 1759-1781, 2021 | 118 | 2021 |
Men’s Hostile Sexism and Biased Perceptions of Intimate Partners Fostering Dissatisfaction and Negative Behavior in Close Relationships MD Hammond, NC Overall Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (12), 1585-1599, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
Biased and Accurate Depressive Symptoms and Daily Perceptions Within Intimate Relationships NC Overall, MD Hammond Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (5), 636-650, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
When power shapes interpersonal behavior: Low relationship power predicts men’s aggressive responses to low situational power. NC Overall, MD Hammond, JK McNulty, EJ Finkel Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 111 (2), 195, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
The allure of sexism: Psychological entitlement fosters women’s endorsement of benevolent sexism over time MD Hammond, CG Sibley, NC Overall Social Psychological and Personality Science 5 (4), 422-429, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
Internalizing sexism within close relationships: Perceptions of intimate partners’ benevolent sexism promote women’s endorsement of benevolent sexism. MD Hammond, NC Overall, EJ Cross Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (2), 214, 2016 | 97* | 2016 |
Women—particularly underrepresented minority women—and early-career academics feel like impostors in fields that value brilliance. M Muradoglu, Z Horne, MD Hammond, SJ Leslie, A Cimpian Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (5), 1086, 2022 | 82 | 2022 |
When relationships do not live up to benevolent ideals: Women's benevolent sexism and sensitivity to relationship problems MD Hammond, NC Overall European Journal of Social Psychology 43 (3), 212-223, 2013 | 81 | 2013 |
Dynamics Within Intimate Relationships and the Causes, Consequences, and Functions of Sexist Attitudes MD Hammond, NC Overall Current Directions in Psychological Science 26 (2), 120-125, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
When Does Men’s Hostile Sexism Predict Relationship Aggression? The Moderating Role of Partner Commitment EJ Cross, NC Overall, MD Hammond, GJO Fletcher Social Psychological and Personality Science 8 (3), 331-340, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Emotional suppression during personal goal pursuit impedes goal strivings and achievement. RST Low, NC Overall, MD Hammond, YU Girme Emotion 17 (2), 208, 2017 | 74 | 2017 |
The diversity and prevalence of sexual orientation self-labels in a New Zealand national sample LM Greaves, FK Barlow, CHJ Lee, CM Matika, W Wang, CJ Lindsay, ... Archives of Sexual Behavior 46, 1325-1336, 2017 | 69 | 2017 |
Young Children's Self‐Concepts Include Representations of Abstract Traits and the Global Self A Cimpian, MD Hammond, G Mazza, G Corry Child Development 88 (6), 1786-1798, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Perceiving Partners to Endorse Benevolent Sexism Attenuates Highly Anxious Women’s Negative Reactions to Conflict EJ Cross, NC Overall, MD Hammond Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (7), 923-940, 2016 | 49 | 2016 |