Rong Huang
Cost behavior and fundamental analysis of SG&A costs
M Anderson, R Banker, R Huang, S Janakiraman
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 22 (1), 1-28, 2007
Equity incentives and long‐term value created by SG&A expenditure
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan
Contemporary Accounting Research 28 (3), 794-830, 2011
The relation between CEO compensation and past performance
RD Banker, MN Darrough, R Huang, JM Plehn-Dujowich
The Accounting Review 88 (1), 1-30, 2013
Incentive contracting and value relevance of earnings and cash flows
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan
Journal of Accounting Research 47 (3), 647-678, 2009
Warranty reserve: Contingent liability, information signal, or earnings management tool?
D Cohen, MN Darrough, R Huang, T Zach
The Accounting Review 86 (2), 569-604, 2011
Market valuation of intangible asset: Evidence on SG&A expenditure
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan, S Zhao
The Accounting Review 94 (6), 61-90, 2019
Spillover effects of fraud allegations and investor sentiment
M Darrough, R Huang, S Zhao
Contemporary Accounting Research 37 (2), 982-1014, 2020
Is the asymmetric cost behavior affected by competition factors?
J Cheung, H Kim, S Kim, R Huang
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 25 (1-2), 218-234, 2018
The impact of CEOs’ accounting backgrounds on earnings management and conservatism
N Hu, R Huang, X Li, L Liu
Journal of Centrum Cathedra 10 (1), 4-24, 2017
Why do managers avoid EPS dilution? Evidence from debt–equity choice
R Huang, CA Marquardt, B Zhang
Review of Accounting Studies 19, 877-912, 2014
Who herds? Who doesn't? Estimates of analysts’ herding propensity in forecasting earnings
R Huang, M Krishnan, J Shon, P Zhou
Contemporary Accounting Research 34 (1), 374-399, 2017
Using sales revenue as a performance measure
R Huang, CA Marquardt, B Zhang
Available at SSRN 2636950, 2015
Acquirer internal control weaknesses in the market for corporate control
M Darrough, R Huang, E Zur
Contemporary Accounting Research 35 (1), 211-244, 2018
Do Accounting Standards Matter for Productivity?
R Banker, R Huang, Y Li, S Zhao
Production and Operations Management, 2020
Estimating firm-specific long-term growth rate and cost of capital
R Huang, RR Natarajan, S Radhakrishnan
Suresh, Estimating Firm-Specific Long-Term Growth Rate and Cost of Capital …, 2005
Wafer-scale epitaxial single-crystalline Ni (111) films on sapphires for graphene growth
Y Hu, J Peng, M Pan, W Qiu, R Wu, J Hu, N Hu, F Cheng, R Huang, F Li, ...
Journal of Materials Science 56, 3220-3229, 2021
How does credit risk affect cost management strategies? Evidence on the initiation of credit default swap and sticky cost behavior
J Dai, N Hu, R Huang, Y Yan
Journal of Corporate Finance 80, 102401, 2023
Do firms adopting cloud computing technology exhibit higher future performance? A textual analysis approach
M Zheng, R Huang, X Wang, X Li
International Review of Financial Analysis 90, 102866, 2023
Strategy typology and cost structure: A textual analysis approach
RD Banker, R Huang, X Li, Y Yan
Fox School of Business Research Paper Forthcoming, 2021
Market reaction to CEOs’ dynamic hemifacial asymmetry of expressions—A machine-learning approach
RD Banker, H Ding, R Huang, X Li
Fox School of Business Research Paper Forthcoming, 2021
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