Valentina Sessa
Valentina Sessa
CMA - Mines Paris - PSL
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How sensitive is a carbon-neutral power sector to climate change? The interplay between hydro, solar and wind for Portugal
P Fortes, SG Simoes, F Amorim, G Siggini, V Sessa, YM Saint-Drenan, ...
Energy 239, 122106, 2022
Climate proofing the renewable electricity deployment in Europe-Introducing climate variability in large energy systems models
SG Simoes, F Amorim, G Siggini, V Sessa, YM Saint-Drenan, S Carvalho, ...
Energy Strategy Reviews 35, 100657, 2021
A complementarity model for closed-loop power converters
V Sessa, L Iannelli, F Vasca
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (12), 6821-6835, 2014
Splitting methods for the eigenvalue complementarity problem
AN Iusem, JJ Júdice, V Sessa, P Sarabando
Optimization Methods and Software 34 (6), 1184-1212, 2019
Computation of periodic solutions in maximal monotone dynamical systems with guaranteed consistency
WPMH Heemels, V Sessa, F Vasca, MK Camlibel
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 24, 100-114, 2017
Analyzing the applicability of random forest-based models for the forecast of run-of-river hydropower generation
V Sessa, E Assoumou, M Bossy, SG Simões
Clean Technologies 3 (4), 858-880, 2021
A complementarity approach for the computation of periodic oscillations in piecewise linear systems
V Sessa, L Iannelli, F Vasca, V Acary
Nonlinear Dynamics 85, 1255-1273, 2016
A sequential partial linearization algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem
M Fukushima, J Júdice, W de Oliveira, V Sessa
Computational Optimization and Applications 77 (3), 711-728, 2020
An alternating direction method of multipliers for the eigenvalue complementarity problem
JJ Júdice, M Fukushima, A Iusem, JM Martinez, V Sessa
Optimization Methods and Software 36 (2-3), 337-370, 2021
Mixed linear complementarity problems for the analysis of limit cycles in piecewise linear systems
V Sessa, L Iannelli, F Vasca
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1023-1028, 2012
The second-order cone quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem
Iusem, judice, sherali, sessa
Pacific Journal of Optimization 13, 475—500, 2017
On the numerical solution of the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem
AN Iusem, JJ Júdice, V Sessa, HD Sherali
Numerical Algorithms 72, 721-747, 2016
Computation of limit cycles in Lur'e systems
L Iannelli, F Vasca, V Sessa
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 1402-1407, 2011
Computing period and shape of oscillations in piecewise linear Lur'e systems: A complementarity approach
V Sessa, L Iannelli, V Acary, B Brogliato, F Vasca
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4680-4685, 2013
Machine learning for assessing variability of the long-term projections of the hydropower generation on a European scale
V Sessa, E Assoumou, M Bossy, S Carvalho, S Simoes
Complementarity model for steady-state analysis of resonant LLC power converters
V Sessa, L Rubino, L Iannelli, F Vasca, P Marino
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 66 (7), 1182-1186, 2018
A single-phase active filter with cascaded multilevel inverter modelled as a complementarity problem
V Sessa, LFC Monteiro, DM Dias
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Time-stepping methods for constructing periodic solutions in maximally monotone set-valued dynamical systems
W Heemels, V Sessa, F Vasca, MK Camlibel
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3095-3100, 2014
Refrigerant leak detection in industrial vapor compression refrigeration systems using machine learning
A Mtibaa, V Sessa, G Guerassimoff, S Alajarin
International Journal of Refrigeration 161, 51-61, 2024
Strengthening mathematical models for pump scheduling in water distribution
A Tavakoli, V Sessa, S Demassey
4th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2022), 2022
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