Øyvind Bjerke
Øyvind Bjerke
Associate Professor, ILU, NTNU
在 ntnu.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Students’ views on the purpose of physical education in upper secondary school. Physical education as a break in everyday school life–learning or just fun?
I Lyngstad, Ø Bjerke, P Lagestad
Sport, Education and Society 25 (2), 230-241, 2020
‘The teacher sees my absence, not my participation’. Pupils’ experiences of being seen by their teacher in physical education class
I Lyngstad, Ø Bjerke, P Lagestad
Sport, education and society 24 (2), 147-157, 2019
An inverse relative age effect in male alpine skiers at the absolute top level
Ø Bjerke, AV Pedersen, TK Aune, H Lorås
Frontiers in psychology 8, 1210, 2017
High school students’ experiences of being ‘seen’by their physical education teachers
P Lagestad, I Lyngstad, Ø Bjerke, E Ropo
Sport, education and society 25 (2), 173-184, 2020
Trivsel i kroppsøvingsfaget blant elever med lavt og høyt oksygenopptak
Ø Bjerke, I Lyngstad, P Lagestad
Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2016
Kroppslig læring–perspektiver og praksiser
TP Østern, Ø Bjerke, G Engelsrud, A Sørum
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Med vennlig hilsen Prosjektansvarlig student, 2021
Norwegian upper secondary students’ experiences of their teachers’ assessment of and for learning in physical education: examining how assessment is interpreted by students of …
I Lyngstad, Ø Bjerke, KM Bang, P Lagestad
Sport, education and society 27 (3), 320-331, 2022
Variations of the relative age effect within and across groups in elite alpine skiing
Ø Bjerke, H Lorås, AV Pedersen
Comprehensive Psychology 5, 2165222816648077, 2016
Forekomst og forståelser av kroppslig læring i norskspråklig forskning. I TP Østern, Ø
TP Østern, Ø Bjerke
Bjerke, Engelsrud, G. & AG Sørum (Red.), Kroppslig læring. Perspektiver og …, 2021
Phronesis, praxis and autotelic acts in physical education teaching
I Lyngstad, Ø Bjerke, P Lagestad
Sport, education and society, 2020
Variations in the constituent year effect in Junior World Championships in alpine skiing: A window into relative development effects?
Ø Bjerke, H Lorås, A Vorland Pedersen
PloS one 15 (4), e0231384, 2020
In pursuit of a comprehensive understanding of expertise development: a comparison between paths to world-class performance in complex technical vs. endurance demanding sports
M Aalberg, TV Roaas, MA Aune, Ø Bjerke, TK Aune
Sports 10 (2), 16, 2022
Flipped Learning in Physical Education Teacher Education-The Student Perspective
O Østerlie, Ø Bjerke
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators 12 (1), 7-27, 2023
Constituent Year Effects and Performance in Alpine Skiing Junior World Championships
Ø Bjerke, H Lorås, AV Pedersen
Sports 11 (8), 155, 2023
Re-imagining performance spaces and locations in ecological dynamics: Implications for pedagogical practices in physical education
M Rothwell, Ø Bjerke, BW Strafford, T Robinson, C Haslingden, ...
European Physical Education Review, 1356336X241260245, 2024
Psychometric properties of the Adolescent Motor Competence Questionnaire for Norwegian adolescents
H Lorås, M Haga, RV Hagen, Ø Bjerke, A Timler, OJ Sando
Frontiers in Psychology 15, 1296923, 2024
Paper IV
Ø Bjerke, H Lorås, AV Pedersen
Relative age effects in competitive environments, 2023
Relative age effects in competitive environments–Variations and insights from alpine skiing
Ø Bjerke
NTNU, 2023
Well-Being in Physical Education Among Students with Low and High Oxygen Uptake
Ø Bjerke, I Lyngstad, P Lagestad
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk 2 (2), 2016
Promoting Motor Skills
Ø Bjerke, B Vereijken
Psychology for Physical Educators: Student in Focus, 219, 2007
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