Diana F. Adamatti
Ulises: A Agent-Based System For Timbre Classification. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ISSN: 2255-2863)
EP Teixeira, EMN Goncalves, DF Adamatti
Salamanca 6 (2), 2017
JogoMan: A prototype using multi-agent-based simulation and role-playing games in water management
DF Adamatti, JS Sichman, P Bommel, R Ducrot, C Rabak, M Camargo
Proceedings of the SMAGET-CABM-HEMA Conference, 2005
Development of a Graphical Tool to integrate the Prometheus AEOlus methodology and Jason Platform. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal …
R Cunha, C Billa, D Adamatti
Salamanca 6 (2), 2017
An analysis of the insertion of virtual players in GMABS methodology using the Vip-JogoMan prototype
DF Adamatti, JS Sichman, H Coelho
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12 (3), 7, 2009
Analyzing EEG signals using decision trees: A study of modulation of amplitude
NS Bastos, BP Marques, DF Adamatti, CZ Billa
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2020 (1), 3598416, 2020
Development of a Graphical Tool to integrate the Prometheus AEOlus methodology and Jason Platform
R Cunha, C Billa, DF Adamatti
Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 2017
Reasoning in BDI agents using Toulmin's argumentation model
V de Oliveira Gabriel, AR Panisson, RH Bordini, DF Adamatti, CZ Billa
Theoretical Computer Science 805, 76-91, 2020
Interdisciplinary applications of agent-based social simulation and modeling
DF Adamatti
IGI Global, 2014
Desenvolvendo o Raciocínio Lógico no Ensino Médio: uma proposta utilizando a ferramenta Scratch
FP Mota, NFA Ribeiro, L Emmendorfer, P Butzen, KS Machado, ...
Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de …, 2014
A computer-based support for participatory management of protected areas: The SimParc project
JP Briot, E Vasconcelos, D Adamatti, V Sebba, M Irving, S Barbosa, ...
Anais do XXVIII Congresso da SBC (SBC’08)-Seminário Integrado de Software e …, 2008
Virtual players: From manual to semi-autonomous RPG
DF Adamatti, JS Sichman, H Coelho
IMSM7, 2007
Construction of conductive pathways using genetic algorithms and constructal theory
PA Avendaño, JA Souza, DF Adamatti
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 200-207, 2018
Inserção de jogadores virtuais em jogos de papéis para uso em sistemas de apoio à decisão em grupo: um experimento no domínio da gestão de recursos naturais.
DF Adamatti
Universidade de São Paulo, 2007
Extending the computational study of social norms with a systematic model of emotions
ALC Bazzan, DF Adamatti, RH Bordini
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial …, 2002
Discovering patterns in brain signals using decision trees
NS Bastos, DF Adamatti, CZ Billa
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2016 (1), 6391807, 2016
Business simulation games analysis supported by human-computer interfaces: A systematic review
CP Ferreira, CS Gonzalez-Gonzalez, DF Adamatti
Sensors 21 (14), 4810, 2021
Serious games as a tool to change people attitudes: Analysis based on the discourse of collective subject
F Mota, S Botelho, D Adamatii
Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ) 7 (4), 2398-2405, 2016
Ulises: a agent-based system for timbre classification
EP Teixeira, E Goncalves, DF Adamatti
ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence …, 2018
Modeling role interactions in a social organization for the simulation of the social production and management of urban ecosystems: the case of San Jerónimo vegetable garden of …
F Santos, T Rodrigues, DF Adamatti, GP Dimuro, ACR Costa, G Dimuro, ...
2012 Third Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation, 136-139, 2012
Design of an artificial decision maker for a human-based social simulation-Experience of the SimParc project
JP Briot, A Sordoni, E Vasconcelos, VS Patto, D Adamatti, M Irving, ...
Activity-based modeling and simulation, 17-35, 2010
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