Jasmin M. Link
Jasmin M. Link
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Extracting foraminiferal seawater Nd isotope signatures from bulk deep sea sediment by chemical leaching
P Blaser, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, N Frank, JM Link, M Frank
Chemical geology 439, 189-204, 2016
Constraining the variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the Holocene
J Lippold, F Pöppelmeier, F Süfke, M Gutjahr, TJ Goepfert, P Blaser, ...
Geophysical Research Letters, 2019
The resilience and sensitivity of Northeast Atlantic deep water εNd to overprinting by detrital fluxes over the past 30,000 years
P Blaser, F Pöppelmeier, H Schulz, M Gutjahr, M Frank, J Lippold, ...
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 245, 79-97, 2019
Influence of ocean circulation and benthic exchange on deep Northwest Atlantic Nd isotope records during the past 30,000 years
F Pöppelmeier, P Blaser, M Gutjahr, F Süfke, DJR Thornalley, J Grützner, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019
Deep-ocean circulation in the North Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (~ 2.65–2.4 Ma)
KA Jakob, J Pross, JM Link, P Blaser, AH Braaten, O Friedrich
Marine Micropaleontology, 101998, 2021
Deep water circulation patterns in the Atlantic during MISs 12-11
JM Link, N Frank
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20750, 2020
Deglacial deep water circulation and Nd isotope changes in the Nordic Seas and subpolar North Atlantic
P Blaser, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, JM Link, F Pöppelmeier, M Frank, N Frank
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 20, 15142, 2018
Deglacial deep water circulation and end member Nd isotope changes in the subpolar North Atlantic
P Blaser, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, JM Link, F Pöppelmeier, M Frank, N Frank
Intensification of Labrador Sea influences on Atlantic deep circulation during MIS 11
JM Link, P Blaser, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, AH Osborne, E Böhm, M Frank, ...
1 million years of North Atlantic deep water variability of εNd at ODP Site 1063, a preliminary record of glacial–interglacial terminations
JM Link, P Blaser, J Lippold, M Gutjahr, AH Osborne, E Böhm, M Frank, ...
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