Jack Xin
Jack Xin
Chancellor's Professor of Mathematics, UC Irvine
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Front propagation in heterogeneous media
J Xin
SIAM review 42 (2), 161-230, 2000
Minimization of for Compressed Sensing
P Yin, Y Lou, Q He, J Xin
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (1), A536-A563, 2015
Understanding straight-through estimator in training activation quantized neural nets
P Yin, J Lyu, S Zhang, S Osher, Y Qi, J Xin
Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019
A weighted difference of anisotropic and isotropic total variation model for image processing
Y Lou, T Zeng, S Osher, J Xin
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (3), 1798-1823, 2015
A convex model for nonnegative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space
E Esser, M Moller, S Osher, G Sapiro, J Xin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (7), 3239-3252, 2012
A method for finding structured sparse solutions to nonnegative least squares problems with applications
E Esser, Y Lou, J Xin
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6 (4), 2010-2046, 2013
Computing Sparse Representation in a Highly Coherent Dictionary Based on Difference of and
Y Lou, P Yin, Q He, J Xin
Journal of Scientific Computing 64, 178-196, 2015
Existence of planar flame fronts in convective-diffusive periodic media
JX Xin
Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 121, 205-233, 1992
Existence and nonexistence of traveling waves and reaction-diffusion front propagation in periodic media
JX Xin
Journal of statistical physics 73, 893-926, 1993
Minimization of transformed penalty: theory, difference of convex function algorithm, and robust application in compressed sensing
S Zhang, J Xin
Mathematical Programming 169 (1), 307-336, 2018
Existence of KPP fronts in spatially-temporally periodic advection and variational principle for propagation speeds
J Nolen, M Rudd, J Xin
Dynamics of PDE 2 (1), 1-24, 2005
Multidimensional stability of traveling waves in a bistable reaction–diffusion equation, i
JX Xin
Communications in partial differential equations 17 (11-12), 1889-1899, 1992
An introduction to fronts in random media
J Xin
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Deep learning for real-time crime forecasting and its ternarization
B Wang, P Yin, AL Bertozzi, PJ Brantingham, SJ Osher, J Xin
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 40 (6), 949-966, 2019
On the incompressible fluid limit and the vortex motion law of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
FH Lin, JX Xin
Communications in mathematical physics 200, 249-274, 1999
Multidimensional stability of traveling waves in a bistable reaction–diffusion equation, II
CD Levermore, JX Xin
Communications in partial differential equations 17 (11-12), 1901-1924, 1992
Difference-of-convex learning: directional stationarity, optimality, and sparsity
M Ahn, JS Pang, J Xin
SIAM Journal on Optimization 27 (3), 1637-1665, 2017
Binaryrelax: A relaxation approach for training deep neural networks with quantized weights
P Yin, S Zhang, J Lyu, S Osher, Y Qi, J Xin
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11 (4), 2205-2223, 2018
Ratio and difference of and norms and sparse representation with coherent dictionaries
P Yin, E Esser, J Xin
Communications in Information and Systems 14 (2), 87-109, 2014
Existence of KPP type fronts in space-time periodic shear flows and a study of minimal speeds based on variational principle
J Nolen, J Xin
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 13 (5), 1217-1234, 2005
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