Andrew F. Johnson
Andrew F. Johnson
Associate Professor of Management & Associate Dean, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
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Stigmatization and prejudice during the COVID-19 pandemic
KJ Roberto, AF Johnson, BM Rauhaus
Administrative Theory & Praxis 42 (3), 364-378, 2020
Performance, aspirations, and market versus nonmarket investment
BC Rudy, AF Johnson
Journal of Management 42 (4), 936-959, 2016
The COVID-19 pandemic: A challenge for US nonprofits' financial stability
AF Johnson, BM Rauhaus, K Webb-Farley
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 33 (1), 33-46, 2021
Use of social networking websites on applicants’ privacy
SL Black, DL Stone, AF Johnson
Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal 27, 115-159, 2015
Addressing the increase of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic: A need for empathy, care, and social equity in collaborative planning and responses
BM Rauhaus, D Sibila, AF Johnson
The American Review of Public Administration 50 (6-7), 668-674, 2020
Employers' use of social networking sites in the selection process
SL Black, AF Johnson
The Journal of Social Media in Society 1 (1), 8-28, 2012
The COVID‐19 pandemic: Time for a universal basic income?
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto
Public Administration and Development 40 (4), 232-235, 2020
The chief political officer: CEO characteristics and firm investment in corporate political activity
BC Rudy, AF Johnson
Business & Society 58 (3), 612-643, 2019
Mass casualty event scenarios and political shifts: 2020 election outcomes and the US COVID-19 pandemic
AF Johnson, WK Pollock, BM Rauhaus
Administrative Theory & Praxis 42 (2), 249-264, 2020
Right versus left: How does political ideology affect the workplace?
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto
Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (8), 1040-1043, 2018
Policies, politics and pandemics: Course delivery method for US higher educational institutions amid COVID-19
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto, BM Rauhaus
Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy 15 (2), 291-303, 2021
Factors affecting applicants' reactions to the collection of data in social network websites
SL Black, AF Johnson, SE Takach, DL Stone
Academy of Management Proceedings 2012 (1), 11742, 2012
Elections and selection: The role of political ideology in selection decisions
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto
Human Resource Management Review 29 (1), 14-27, 2019
Employer perceptions of online versus face‐to‐face degree programs
KJ Roberto, AF Johnson
Journal of Employment Counseling 56 (4), 180-189, 2019
Social networking sites, search engines, and the employment process
KM Lukaszewski, AF Johnson
The Wiley Blackwell handbook of the psychology of the internet at work 7696, 231, 2017
Social inequities highlighted by the prolonged pandemic: Expanding sick leave
BM Rauhaus, AF Johnson
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs 7 (1), 2021
Neglected under the law: A typology of stigmatization and effective employment protections
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto, SL Black, F Ahamad
Human Resource Management Review 32 (4), 100873, 2021
Political ideology as a proxy for disparate impact discrimination
B Elzweig, KJ Roberto, AF Johnson
Southern Law Journal 27 (2), 277-292, 2017
A social media engagement framework for applicant attraction and retention: #SocialMediaCongruence
AF Johnson, KJ Roberto, CJ Hartwell, JF Taylor
Online Information Review, 2022
Board of director independence, CEO duality, and corporate political activity
AF Johnson
SAM Advanced Management Journal 84 (4), 67-80, 2019
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