Grace Larson
Grace Larson
Department of Psychology, Dickinson College
在 u.northwestern.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
The suffocation of marriage: Climbing Mount Maslow without enough oxygen
EJ Finkel, CM Hui, KL Carswell, GM Larson
Psychological Inquiry 25 (1), 1-41, 2014
Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies
S Joel, PW Eastwick, CJ Allison, XB Arriaga, ZG Baker, E Bar-Kalifa, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (32), 19061-19071, 2020
The suffocation model: Why marriage in America is becoming an all-or-nothing institution
EJ Finkel, EO Cheung, LF Emery, KL Carswell, GM Larson
Current Directions in Psychological Science 24 (3), 238-244, 2015
Expressive writing can impede emotional recovery following marital separation
DA Sbarra, A Boals, AE Mason, GM Larson, MR Mehl
Clinical Psychological Science 1 (2), 120-134, 2013
Participating in research on romantic breakups promotes emotional recovery via changes in self-concept clarity
GM Larson, DA Sbarra
Social Psychological and Personality Science 6 (4), 399-406, 2015
Eye gaze patterns associated with aggressive tendencies in adolescence
C Laue, M Griffey, PI Lin, K Wallace, M Van Der Schoot, P Horn, ...
Psychiatric quarterly 89, 747-756, 2018
Delayed disengagement of attention from distractors signalling reward
P Watson, D Pearson, J Theeuwes, SB Most, ME Le Pelley
Cognition 195, 104125, 2020
Marriage at the summit: Response to the commentaries
EJ Finkel, GM Larson, KL Carswell, CM Hui
Psychological Inquiry 25 (1), 120-145, 2014
On the neural implausibility of the modular mind: evidence for distributed construction dissolves boundaries between perception, cognition, and emotion
LM Hackel, GM Larson, JD Bowen, GA Ehrlich, TC Mann, B Middlewood, ...
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39, 2016
When and for whom implicit partner evaluations predict forgiveness
R Faure, F Righetti, G Larson, MF Cuellar, A Koutsoumpis, M Zwicker, ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (5), 708-718, 2021
How do implicit and explicit partner evaluations update in daily life? Evidence from the lab and the field.
GM Larson, R Faure, F Righetti, W Hofmann
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 151 (10), 2511, 2022
Why Emotional Similarity Breeds Attraction: Disentangling the Effects of Shared Appraisals, Subjective Emotions, and Action Tendencies
G Larson
Northwestern University, 2018
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