Sustainable agriculture in Indonesia: Facts and challenges to keep growing in harmony with environment MF Syuaib Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 18 (2), 170-184, 2016 | 97 | 2016 |
Anthropometric study of farm workers on Java Island, Indonesia, and its implications for the design of farm tools and equipment MF Syuaib Applied Ergonomics 51, 222-235, 2015 | 69 | 2015 |
Comparison of the farming system and carbon sequestration between conventional and organic rice production in West Java, Indonesia M Komatsuzaki, MF Syuaib Sustainability 2 (3), 833-843, 2010 | 50 | 2010 |
Ergonomic study on the process of mastering tractor operation MF Syuaib 東京農工大学, 2003 | 33* | 2003 |
Ergonomic study on the manual harvesting tasks of oil-palm plantation in Indonesia based on anthropometric, postures and work motions analyses MF Syuaib Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 17 (3), 2015 | 27 | 2015 |
Analisis beban kerja pada proses produksi Crude Palm Oil (CPO) di pabrik minyak sawit dengan kapasitas 50 ton TBS/Jam MA Bary, MF Syuaib, MR TIP Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 23 (3), 2013 | 18 | 2013 |
Studi waktu (time study) pada aktivitas pemanenan kelapa sawit di Perkebunan Sari Lembah Subur, Riau KA Putranti, S Herodian, MF Syuaib Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 26 (2), 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Technopreneurship O Suparno, A Hermawan, MF Syuaib Recognition and Mentoring Program-Institut Pertanian Bogor (RAMPIPB …, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Studi Gerak Kerja Pemanenan Kelapa Sawit Secara Manual MF Syuaib, NS Dewi, TN Sari Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 3 (1), 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Desain ergonomis sistem penggandengan trailer pada traktor roda dua M Dhafir, T Mandang, W Hermawan, MF Syuaib Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 7 (1), 99-106, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Pengembangan model pendugaan kadar hara tanah melalui pengukuran daya hantar listrik tanah HM Suud, MF Syuaib, IW Astika Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian 3 (2), 2015 | 13 | 2015 |
Ergonomic study on the process of mastering tractor operation [Disertasi] MF Syuaib Japan: Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2003 | 12 | 2003 |
Kinerja Rantai Pasok Beras di Kabupaten Karawang AI Nurmahdy, M Machfud, MFS Syuaib Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 6 (2), 325-325, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
A Case Study of Organic Rice Production System and Soil Carbon Storage in West Java, lndonesia M Komatsuzaki, MF Syuaib Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
Perspective of sustainable agriculture in Indonesia: Keep growing in harmony with environment MF Syuaib Symposium & Workshop on “From Environmental to Sustainable Science: Thinking …, 2009 | 7 | 2009 |
Technopreneurship, Recognition and Mentoring Program-Institut Pertanian Bogor (RAMP-IPB) O Suparno, A Hermawan, MF Syuaib Http//ono-suparnostaff. ipb. ac. id/articles/technopreneurship-2/[diakses …, 2008 | 7 | 2008 |
Peningkatan Minat Dan Kemampuan Technopreneurship Melalui Workshop Satu Hari O Suparno, A Hermawan, MF Syuaib, E Nugroho, E Anggraeni Konferensi Nasional Inovasi Dan Technopreneurship 131, 2013 | 6 | 2013 |
Farming system in Indonesia and its carbon balanace feature MF Syuaib Final report of international symposium" Food and Environmental Preservation …, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
Ergonomic Evaluation of Ride-on Tractor Operation between Beginner and Skillful Operator Comparative Analyses of Physiological Strain, Technical Performance and Viewing Point MF Syuaib, S MORIIZUMI, H SHIMIZU, K ISHIZUKI Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research 38 (3), 143-153, 2003 | 6 | 2003 |
Laporan hasil kajian ergonomika untuk penyempurnaan sistem dan produktivitas kerja panen-muat sawit di kebun PT Astra Agro Lestari MF Syuaib, S Herodian, DA Hidayat, R Fil’aini, TN Sari, KA Putranti FATETA. IPB, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |