Meredith Minear
Meredith Minear
Associate Professor, University of Wyoming
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A lifespan database of adult facial stimuli
M Minear, DC Park
Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers 36, 630-633, 2004
Aging reduces neural specialization in ventral visual cortex
DC Park, TA Polk, R Park, M Minear, A Savage, MR Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (35), 13091-13095, 2004
Aging and the neural correlates of successful picture encoding: frontal activations compensate for decreased medial-temporal activity
AH Gutchess, RC Welsh, T Hedden, A Bangert, M Minear, LL Liu, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (1), 84-96, 2005
Cognitive function in fibromyalgia patients
DC Park, JM Glass, M Minear, LJ Crofford
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2001
Working memory, fluid intelligence, and impulsiveness in heavy media multitaskers
M Minear, F Brasher, M McCurdy, J Lewis, A Younggren
Psychonomic bulletin & review 20, 1274-1281, 2013
Training and transfer effects in task switching
M Minear, P Shah
Memory & cognition 36, 1470-1483, 2008
Memory beliefs and function in fibromyalgia patients
JM Glass, DC Park, M Minear, LJ Crofford
Journal of psychosomatic research 58 (3), 263-269, 2005
A simultaneous examination of two forms of working memory training: Evidence for near transfer only
M Minear, F Brasher, CB Guerrero, M Brasher, A Moore, J Sukeena
Memory & Cognition 44 (7), 1014-1037, 2016
Sources of working memory deficits in children and possibilities for remediation
M Minear, P Shah
Working memory and education, 273-307, 2006
Desktop versus immersive virtual environments: effects on spatial learning
J Zhao, T Sensibaugh, B Bodenheimer, TP McNamara, A Nazareth, ...
Spatial Cognition & Computation 20 (4), 328-363, 2020
The benefits of retrieval practice depend on item difficulty and intelligence.
M Minear, JH Coane, SC Boland, LH Cooney, M Albat
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 44 (9), 1474, 2018
Cognitive aging: New directions for old theories
DC Park, M Minear
New frontiers in cognitive aging, 19-40, 2004
Dissociative global and local task-switching costs across younger adults, middle-aged adults, older adults, and very mild Alzheimer’s disease individuals.
MJ Huff, DA Balota, M Minear, AJ Aschenbrenner, JM Duchek
Psychology and aging 30 (4), 727, 2015
Working memory.
A Boduroglu, M Minear, P Shah
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007
“Ready Player One”: Enhancing Omnidirectional Treadmills for Use in Virtual Environments
A Barberis, T Bennet, M Minear
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 848-849, 2019
Individual and Gender Differences in Spatial Ability and Three Forms of Engineering Self-efficacy
M Minear, L Lutz, N Clements, M Cowen
Spatial Cognition X, 3-18, 2017
The Creation of High-Resolution Brain Cross-sections for 3D Printing and Virtual Reality Applications
M Minear, V Rodriguez, B Gellis, A Krosley
Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 21 (1), A47, 2022
Contribution 4
J Zhao, A Klippel, M Minear, N Newcombe, B Bodenheimer, T McNamara, ...
Is practice good enough? Retrieval benefits students with ADHD but does not compensate for poor encoding in unmedicated students
ME Minear, JH Coane, LH Cooney, SC Boland, JW Serrano
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1186566, 2023
Training of executive control processes in task switching: Evidence for transfer of training
ME Minear
University of Michigan, 2004
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