Reed Kopp
Reed Kopp
Project Engineer, ATA Engineering, Inc. | Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Synergetic effects of thin plies and aligned carbon nanotube interlaminar reinforcement in composite laminates
E Kalfon-Cohen, R Kopp, C Furtado, X Ni, A Arteiro, G Borstnar, ...
Composites Science and Technology 166, 160-168, 2018
Interlaminar to intralaminar mode I and II crack bifurcation due to aligned carbon nanotube reinforcement of aerospace-grade advanced composites
X Ni, C Furtado, NK Fritz, R Kopp, PP Camanho, BL Wardle
Composites Science and Technology 190, 108014, 2020
Nanotube superfiber materials
HM Duong, TQ Tran, R Kopp, SM Myint, L Peng
William Andrew Publishing, 2019
Direct spinning of horizontally aligned carbon nanotube fibers and films from the floating catalyst method
HM Duong, TQ Tran, R Kopp, SM Myint, L Peng
Nanotube Superfiber Materials, 3-29, 2019
In situ synchrotron computed tomography study of nanoscale interlaminar reinforcement and thin-ply effects on damage progression in composite laminates
X Ni*, R Kopp*, E Kalfon-Cohen, C Furtado, J Lee, A Arteiro, G Borstnar, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering, 108623, 2021
New interlaminar features and void distributions in advanced aerospace-grade composites revealed via automated algorithms using micro-computed tomography
NK Fritz, R Kopp, AK Nason, X Ni, J Lee, IY Stein, E Kalfon-Cohen, ...
Composites Science and Technology 193, 108132, 2020
Deep Learning Unlocks X‐ray Microtomography Segmentation of Multiclass Microdamage in Heterogeneous Materials
R Kopp, J Joseph, X Ni, N Roy, BL Wardle
Advanced Materials, 2107817, 2021
Interlaminar reinforcement of carbon fiber composites using aligned carbon nanotubes
X Ni, E Kalfon-Cohen, C Furtado, R Kopp, NK Fritz, A Arteiro, GA Valdes, ...
21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM), 2017
X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography and Deep Learning Segmentation of Progressive Damage in Hierarchical Nanoengineered Carbon Fiber Composites
R Kopp
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021
Multi-fidelity Modeling of Interfacial Micromechanics for Off-Aligned Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites
R Kopp, F Gardea, BJ Glaz, EC Smith
58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2017
Automated Segmentation of In Situ X-ray Microtomography of Progressive Damage in Advanced Composites via Deep Learning
R Kopp, J Joseph, BL Wardle
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 2024, 2021
Effective Interlaminar Reinforcement of High Glass Transition Temperature Laminated Composites via Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
C Furtado, E Kalfon-Cohen, J Lee, PB Patel, R Kopp, TJ Hank, S Kessler, ...
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 0503, 2022
Interfacial Micromechanics and Load Transfer of Off-Aligned Nanocomposites
R Kopp, BJ Glaz, JC Riddick, EC Smith
57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2016
Damage Micro-mechanisms in Notched Hierarchical Nanoengineered Thin-ply Composite Laminates Studied by In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
R Kopp, X Ni, E Kalfon-Cohen, C Furtado, A Arteiro, G Borstnar, ...
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1692, 2019
Synergetic Effects of Thin Ply and Nanostitching Studied by Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography
E Kalfon-Cohen, R Kopp, C Furtado, X Ni, NK Fritz, A Arteiro, G Borstnar, ...
21st International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM), 2017
In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography of Progressive Damage in Canted Notched Cross-Ply Composites with Interlaminar Nanoreinforcement
R Kopp, X Ni, C Furtado, J Lee, E Kalfon-Cohen, K Uesugi, M Kinsella, ...
AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 0375, 2022
Multi-fidelity Modeling of Interfacial Micromechanics for Off-Aligned Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites
R Kopp
Pennsylvania State University, 2016
Hygrothermal progressive damage in open-hole compression of composite laminates with aligned carbon nanotube interlaminar reinforcement studied by X-ray micro-computed tomography
R Kopp, X Ni, P Nordin, P Hallander, L Selegård, BL Wardle
Composites Part B: Engineering 278, 111391, 2024
J-Integral Experimental Reduction Reveals Fracture Toughness Improvements in Thin-Ply Carbon Fiber Laminates with Aligned Carbon Nanotube Interlaminar Reinforcement
C Furtado, R Kopp, X Ni, C Sarrado, E Kalfon-Cohen, BL Wardle, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16 (16), 20980-20989, 2024
A Semiautomated Modular Approach for Multiscale In-Situ Effective Mechanical Property Prediction from Computed Tomography of As-Built Composites
R Kopp, L Mackin, L Lee, E Jayson
AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 0998, 2024
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