Eleanna Galanaki
Eleanna Galanaki
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The decision to recruit online: A descriptive study
E Galanaki
Career development international 7 (4), 243-251, 2002
E‐HR adoption and the role of HRM: Evidence from Greece
L Panayotopoulou, M Vakola, E Galanaki
Personnel Review 36 (2), 277-294, 2007
Leadership's impact on employee engagement: Differences among entrepreneurs and professional CEOs
N Papalexandris, E Galanaki
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 30 (4), 365-385, 2009
Measuring workplace bullying in organisations
E Galanaki, N Papalexandris
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (11), 2107-2130, 2013
Staffing practices and employee performance: the role of age
N Pahos, E Galanaki
Evidence-based HRM: a global forum for empirical scholarship 7 (1), 93-112, 2019
Business cultural intelligence quotient: A five‐country study
I Alon, M Boulanger, JA Elston, E Galanaki, C Martínez de Ibarreta, ...
Thunderbird International Business Review 60 (3), 237-250, 2018
Entrepreneurial and professional CEOs: Differences in motive and responsibility profile
E Apospori, N Papalexandris, E Galanaki
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 26 (2), 141-162, 2005
A cross-national analysis of e-HRM configurations: integrating the information technology and HRM perspectives
E Galanaki, A Lazazzara, E Parry
Organizing for Digital Innovation: At the Interface Between Social Media …, 2019
Outsourcing of Human Resource Management Services in Greece
E Galanaki, N Papalexandris
International Journal of Manpower 26 (4), 382-396, 2005
Adoption of electronic systems in HRM: Is national background of the firm relevant?
L Panayotopoulou, E Galanaki, N Papalexandris
New Technology, Work and Employment 25 (3), 253-269, 2010
A decision model for outsourcing training functions: Distinguishing between generic and firm-job-specific training content
E Galanaki, D Bourantas, N Papalexandris
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 19 (12), 2332-2351, 2008
Internationalization as a determining factor of HRM outsourcing
E Galanaki, N Papalexandris
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18 (8), 1557-1567, 2007
Effects of employee benefits on affective and continuance commitment during times of crisis
E Galanaki
International Journal of Manpower 41 (2), 220-238, 2020
Revisiting leadership styles and attitudes towards women as managers in Greece: 15 years later
E Galanaki, N Papalexandris, J Halikias
Gender in Management: An International Journal 24 (7), 484-504, 2009
Employee Commitment and Managerial Values in a Cultural Context
R Alas, N Papalexandris, K Niglas, E Galanaki
Transformations in Business and Economics 10 (2), 42-59, 2011
Assessing cross-national invariance of the three-component model of organizational commitment: A cross-country study of university faculty
S Nandan, D Halkias, PW Thurman, M Komodromos, BA Alserhan, ...
EuroMed Journal of Business 13 (3), 254-279, 2018
E-HRM adoption and usage: a cross-national analysis of enabling factors
A Lazazzara, E Galanaki
Digital Technology and Organizational Change: Reshaping Technology, People …, 2018
Boundaryless career and career outcomes: the mediating role of individual career management behaviours
I Nikandrou, E Galanaki
Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business 19 (SCI), 71-97, 2016
Adoption and success of e-HRM in European firms
E Galanaki, L Panayotopoulou
Encyclopedia of human resources information systems: Challenges in e-HRM, 24-30, 2009
Exploring Workplace Bullying in Greece: Frequency of occurrence and handling of measurement issues, under the light of previous research findings at the international level
E Galanaki, N Papalexandris
European Academy of Management Conference: Management Culture in the 21st …, 2011
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