German Amador Diaz
An experimental investigation of the performance and emissions of a hydrogen-diesel dual fuel compression ignition internal combustion engine
N Castro, M Toledo, G Amador
Applied Thermal Engineering 156, 660-667, 2019
Strategies to improve the performance of a spark ignition engine using fuel blends of biogas with natural gas, propane and hydrogen
JP Gómez Montoya, A Amell, DB Olsen, GJ Amador Diaz
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 11, 2018
Auto-ignition control in turbocharged internal combustion engines operating with gaseous fuels
J Duarte, G Amador, J Garcia, A Fontalvo, RV Padilla, M Sanjuan, ...
Energy 71, 137-147, 2014
Effect of equivalence ratio on knocking tendency in spark ignition engines fueled with fuel blends of biogas, natural gas, propane and hydrogen
JPG Montoya, GJA Diaz, AAA Arrieta
International journal of hydrogen energy 43 (51), 23041-23049, 2018
Characteristics of auto-ignition in internal combustion engines operated with gaseous fuels of variable methane number
G Amador, JD Forero, A Rincon, A Fontalvo, A Bula, RV Padilla, W Orozco
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139 (4), 042205, 2017
Maximum power from fluid flow by applying the first and second laws of thermodynamics
GA Diaz, JD Forero, J Garcia, A Rincon, A Fontalvo, A Bula, RV Padilla
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 139 (3), 032903, 2017
Influence of engine operating conditions on combustion parameters in a spark ignited internal combustion engine fueled with blends of methane and hydrogen
GJA Diaz, JPG Montoya, LAC Martinez, DB Olsen, AS Navarro
Energy Conversion and Management 181, 414-424, 2019
Knock Detection Method for Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition Engines Based on Block Vibration Analysis
M Rosas, G Amador
SAE International Journal of Engines 14 (2), 199-209, 2021
Methane number measurements of hydrogen/carbon monoxide mixtures diluted with carbon dioxide for syngas spark ignited internal combustion engine applications
GJA Diaz, LMC Martinez, JPG Montoya, DB Olsen
Fuel 236, 535-543, 2019
Assessment of the interchangeability of coal-biomass syngas with natural gas for atmospheric burners and high-pressure combustion applications
D Quintero, A salazar, O Pupo, A Bula, L Corredor, G Amador, A Gonzales
Energy, 2023
Development of extended formulations of the relative concentration of chain carrier method for knock prediction in spark-ignited internal combustion engines fueled with gaseous …
G Amador, H Yepes, A Gonzales, A Bula
Fuel 279 (118352), 2020
MN Measurements of Hydrogen/Carbon Monoxide Mixtures Diluted With Carbon Dioxide for Syngas Spark Ignited Internal Combustion Engine Applications
G Amador, L Corredor, GM JP, DB Olsen
Fuel J. 236, 535-543, 2019
Auto-ignition Modeling in a Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engine Fueled with Gaseous Fuels with Variable Methane Number
GJ Amador Díaz
Universidad del Norte, 2017
Laminar flame properties correlations for H2/C3H8 mixtures at high temperature and pressure conditions
HA Yepes, C Slunecka, A Salazar, B Windom, DB Olsen, AJ Marchese, ...
Fuel 357, 129576, 2024
Experimental Assessment of the Performance and Fine Particulate Matter Emissions of a LPG-Diesel Dual-Fuel Compression Ignition Engine
E Toledo, F Guerrero, G Amador, M Toledo
Energies 15 (23), 14, 2022
Application of Mechanisms for the Control of Autoignition in High Power Internal Combustion Engine Fueled With Natural Gas
J Duarte Forero, G Amador Diaz, J Garcia Garcia, M San Juan Mejia, ...
Energy Sustainability 55515, V001T13A002, 2013
Dynamic response of the performance and emissions of an LPG diesel dual-fuel engine with water injection
N Ortega, V Amador, German, Fontalvo, M Toledo, F Guerrero
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023
Non-homogeneous autoignition experimental study for a C3H8/H2 equimolar mixture
H Yepes, C Slunecka, B Windom, D Olsen, G Amador
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Statistical Analysis of the Pondered Deviation from Reference Index for Knock Detection in Internal Combustion Engines
M Marenco, G Amador
SAE International Journal of Engines 15 (5), 689-702, 2022
Behavior Prediction Model in Gas Fueled Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines Turbocharged for Genset Application
J Duarte Forero, G Amador Diaz, F Blanco Castillo, L Corredor Martinez, ...
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 56284 …, 2013
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