Chao Dang
Chao Dang
TU Dortmund University; Leibniz University Hannover
在 tu-dortmund.de 的电子邮件经过验证
A new bivariate dimension reduction method for efficient structural reliability analysis
J Xu, C Dang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 115, 281-300, 2019
A novel fractional moments-based maximum entropy method for high-dimensional reliability analysis
J Xu, C Dang
Applied Mathematical Modelling 75, 749-768, 2019
Efficient reliability analysis of structures with the rotational quasi-symmetric point-and the maximum entropy methods
J Xu, C Dang, F Kong
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 95, 58-76, 2017
A mixture distribution with fractional moments for efficient seismic reliability analysis of nonlinear structures
C Dang, J Xu
Engineering Structures 208, 109912, 2020
Parallel adaptive Bayesian quadrature for rare event estimation
C Dang, P Wei, MGR Faes, MA Valdebenito, M Beer
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 225, 108621, 2022
First-order reliability method based on Harris Hawks Optimization for high-dimensional reliability analysis
C Zhong, M Wang, C Dang, W Ke, S Guo
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2020
Estimation of failure probability function under imprecise probabilities by active learning–augmented probabilistic integration
C Dang, P Wei, J Song, M Beer
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A …, 2021
Structural reliability analysis: A Bayesian perspective
C Dang, MA Valdebenito, MGR Faes, P Wei, M Beer
Structural Safety 99, 102259, 2022
Structural reliability assessment by salp swarm algorithm–based FORM
C Zhong, M Wang, C Dang, W Ke
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 36 (4), 1224-1244, 2020
A marginal fractional moments based strategy for points selection in seismic response analysis of nonlinear structures with uncertain parameters
J Xu, D Wang, C Dang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 387, 226-238, 2017
A novel hybrid cubature formula with Pearson system for efficient moment-based uncertainty propagation analysis
J Xu, Y Zhang, C Dang
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 140, 106661, 2020
Interval uncertainty propagation by a parallel Bayesian global optimization method
C Dang, P Wei, MGR Faes, MA Valdebenito, M Beer
Applied Mathematical Modelling 108, 220-235, 2022
An approach to evaluation of EVD and small failure probabilities of uncertain nonlinear structures under stochastic seismic excitations
C Dang, P Wei, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 152, 107468, 2021
Novel algorithm for reconstruction of a distribution by fitting its first-four statistical moments
C Dang, J Xu
Applied Mathematical Modelling 71, 505-524, 2019
Unified reliability assessment for problems with low-to high-dimensional random inputs using the Laplace transform and a mixture distribution
C Dang, J Xu
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 204, 107124, 2020
Efficient seismic reliability analysis of non-linear structures under non-stationary ground motions
ZQ Chen, SX Zheng, J Zhang, C Dang, K Wei, X Li
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 139, 106385, 2020
Structural reliability analysis by line sampling: A Bayesian active learning treatment
C Dang, MA Valdebenito, MGR Faes, J Song, P Wei, M Beer
Structural Safety 104, 102351, 2023
First-passage probability estimation of high-dimensional nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems by a fractional moments-based mixture distribution approach
C Ding, C Dang, MA Valdebenito, MGR Faes, M Broggi, M Beer
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 185, 109775, 2023
Transfer prior knowledge from surrogate modelling: A meta-learning approach
M Cheng, C Dang, DM Frangopol, M Beer, XX Yuan
Computers & Structures 260, 106719, 2022
Bayesian probabilistic propagation of hybrid uncertainties: Estimation of response expectation function, its variable importance and bounds
C Dang, P Wei, MGR Faes, M Beer
Computers & Structures 270, 106860, 2022
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