Francesco Cacace
Impact of explosive eruption scenarios at Vesuvius
G Zuccaro, F Cacace, RJS Spence, PJ Baxter
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 178 (3), 416-453, 2008
Vulnerability assessment for reinforced concrete buildings exposed to landslides
O Mavrouli, S Fotopoulou, K Pitilakis, G Zuccaro, J Corominas, A Santo, ...
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 73, 265-289, 2014
Seismic vulnerability assessment based on typological characteristics. The first level procedure “SAVE”
G Zuccaro, F Cacace
Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering 69, 262-269, 2015
Seismic casualty evaluation: the Italian model, an application to the L’Aquila 2009 event
G Zuccaro, F Cacace
Human Casualties in Earthquakes: progress in modelling and mitigation, 171-184, 2011
Empirical vulnerability curves for Italian mansory buildings: evolution of vulnerability model from the DPM to curves as a function of accelertion
G Zuccaro, FL Perelli, D De Gregorio, F Cacace
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19, 3077-3097, 2021
Building Inventory at National scale by evaluation of seismic vulnerability classes distribution based on Census data analysis: BINC procedure
F Cacace, G Zuccaro, D De Gregorio, FL Perelli
International journal of disaster risk reduction 28, 384-393, 2018
Mechanism based assessment of damage-dependent fragility curves for RC building classes
M Polese, M Marcolini, G Zuccaro, F Cacace
Bulletin of earthquake Engineering 13, 1323-1345, 2015
Seismic collapse mechanisms analyses and masonry structures typologies: A possible correlation
G Zuccaro, F Dato, F Cacace, D De Gregorio, S Sessa
Ingegneria Sismica 34 (4), 121-149, 2017
Esame delle caratteristiche tipologiche e del danneggiamento del patrimonio edilizio di San Giuliano di Puglia
M Dolce, A Masi, C Samela, G Santarsiero, M Vona, G Zuccaro, F Cacace, ...
XI Congresso Nazionale “L’ingegneria Sismica in Italia, 25-29, 2004
Revisione dell’inventario a scala nazionale delle classi tipologiche di vulnerabilità ed aggiornamento delle mappe nazionali di rischio sismico
G Zuccaro, F Cacace
L'Ingegneria sismica in Italia, ID#-S14. 39, 2009
The European building stock inventory: creating and validating a uniform database for earthquake risk modelling
R Spence, R Foulser Piggott, A Pomonis, H Crowley, P Guegen, A Masi, ...
Proc. of 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2012
Buildings inventory for seismic vulnerability assessment on the basis of Census data assessment at national and regional scale
G Zuccaro, F Cacace, D De Gregorio
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering 1, 2012
Survey activity for the seismic and volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesuvian area: The historical centre and the residential area in Torre del Greco
D De Gregorio, B Faggiano, G Florio, A Formisano, T De Lucia, ...
Proceedings of COST Action C26 Final International Conference, 2010
Seismic vulnerability evaluations within the structural and functional survey activities of the COM bases in Italy
G Zuccaro, V Albanese, F Cacace, C Mercuri, F Papa, AG Pizza, S Sergio, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1020 (1), 1665-1674, 2008
Empirical vulnerability curves for Italian masonry buildings
FL Perelli, D De Gregorio, F Cacace, G Zuccaro
Proceedings of 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in …, 2019
Seismic impact scenarios in the volcanic areas in Campania
G Zuccaro, F Cacace
Mazzolani, F. Urban Habitat Constructions under Catastrophic Events. London …, 2010
Survey activity for the seismic and volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesuvian area: Relevant masonry and reinforced concrete school buildings in Torre del Greco
G Florio, D De Gregorio, A Formisano, B Faggiano, T De Lucia, ...
Proc. of the COST Action C26 Final Conference “Urban Habitat Constructions …, 2010
Valutazione speditiva della vulnerabilità per gli edifici strategici della Regione Campania
G Zuccaro, F Cacace
Ingegneria Sismica, 43-50, 2006
Survey activity for the seismic and volcanic vulnerability assessment in the Vesuvian area: The golden mile villas
L Alterio, D De Gregorio, B Faggiano, P Di Feo, G Florio, A Formisano, ...
Proceedings of COST Action C26 Final Conference “Urban Habitat Constructions …, 2010
A probabilistic model for the evaluation of the impact of explosive eruption scenarios at Vesuvius
G Zuccaro
University of Malta. Department of Building & Civil Engineering, 2008
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