Rod Johnson
Rod Johnson
Research Scientist, Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences
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Eddy/Wind Interactions Stimulate Extraordinary Mid-Ocean Plankton Blooms
J McGillicuddy, Anderson, Bates, Bibby, Buesseler, Carlson
Science 18 (5827), 1021-1066, 2007
Eddy/Wind Interactions Stimulate Extraordinary Mid-Ocean Plankton Blooms
J McGillicuddy, Anderson, Bates, Bibby, Buesseler, Carlson
Science 18 (5827), 1021-1066, 2007
Mesoscale variations of biogeochemical properties in the Sargasso Sea
DJ McGillicuddy Jr, R Johnson, DA Siegel, AF Michaels, NR Bates, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C6), 13381-13394, 1999
Upper-ocean temperature response to Hurricane Felix as measured by the Bermuda Testbed Mooring
T Dickey, D Frye, J McNeil, D Manov, N Nelson, D Sigurdson, H Jannasch, ...
Monthly Weather Review 126 (5), 1195-1201, 1998
Is there a decline in marine phytoplankton?
A McQuatters-Gollop, PC Reid, M Edwards, PH Burkill, C Castellani, ...
Nature 472 (7342), E6-E7, 2011
A risk assessment approach to contaminants in Port Curtis, Queensland, Australia
MA Jones, J Stauber, S Apte, S Simpson, V Vicente-Beckett, R Johnson, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (1-4), 448-458, 2005
Environmental controls on modern scleractinian coral and reef-scale calcification
TA Courtney, M Lebrato, NR Bates, A Collins, SJ De Putron, R Garley, ...
Science advances 3 (11), e1701356, 2017
The acceleration of dissolved cobalt's ecological stoichiometry due to biological uptake, remineralization, and scavenging in the Atlantic Ocean
MA Saito, AE Noble, N Hawco, BS Twining, DC Ohnemus, SG John, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (20), 4637-4662, 2017
Stable isotopes in the atmospheric marine boundary layer water vapour over the Atlantic Ocean, 2012–2015
M Benetti, HC Steen-Larsen, G Reverdin, ÁE Sveinbjörnsdóttir, G Aloisi, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-17, 2017
Carbon flux from bio-optical profiling floats: calibrating transmissometers for use as optical sediment traps
M Estapa, C Durkin, K Buesseler, R Johnson, M Feen
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 120, 100-111, 2017
Carbon cycling in the Sargasso Sea water column: Insights from lipid biomarkers in suspended particles
R Pedrosa-Pàmies, MH Conte, JC Weber, R Johnson
Progress in Oceanography 168, 248-278, 2018
Linkages among dissolved organic matter export, dissolved metabolites, and associated microbial community structure response in the northwestern Sargasso Sea on a seasonal scale
S Liu, K Longnecker, EB Kujawinski, K Vergin, LM Bolaños, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 13, 833252, 2022
Authigenic mineral phases as a driver of the upper-ocean iron cycle
A Tagliabue, KN Buck, LE Sofen, BS Twining, O Aumont, PW Boyd, ...
Nature 620 (7972), 104-109, 2023
Revealing ocean-scale biochemical structure with a deep-diving vertical profiling autonomous vehicle
JA Breier, MV Jakuba, MA Saito, GJ Dick, SL Grim, EW Chan, MR McIlvin, ...
Science robotics 5 (48), eabc7104, 2020
Hurricanes enhance labile carbon export to the deep ocean
R Pedrosa‐Pàmies, MH Conte, JC Weber, R Johnson
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (17-18), 10484-10494, 2019
Kinetics of respiratory lead uptake in humans
JH Knelson, RJ Johnson, F Coulston, L Goldberg, T Griffin
Proceedings International Symposium, Environmental Health Aspects of Lead …, 1972
Radiation and atmospheric circulation controls on carbonyl sulfide concentrations in the marine boundary layer
M Berkelhammer, HC Steen‐Larsen, A Cosgrove, AJ Peters, R Johnson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (21), 13,113-13,128, 2016
The protist community traces seasonality and mesoscale hydrographic features in the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea
L Blanco-Bercial, R Parsons, LM Bolaños, R Johnson, SJ Giovannoni, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 897140, 2022
Maintaining venomous reptile collections
B Fry, I Hendrikx, P Rowley, T Jackson, H Van der Ploeg, R Johnson, ...
Venomous Reptiles and Their Toxins: Evolution, Pathophysiology and …, 2015
Stable isotopes in the atmospheric marine boundary layer water vapour over the Atlantic Ocean, 2012–2015, Scientific Data, 4, 160128
M Benetti, HC Steen-Larsen, G Reverdin, ÁE Sveinbjörnsdóttir, G Aloisi, ...
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