Aaron J Cavosie
4.4 billion years of crustal maturation: oxygen isotope ratios of magmatic zircon
JW Valley, JS Lackey, AJ Cavosie, CC Clechenko, MJ Spicuzza, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 150, 561-580, 2005
Ti-in-zircon thermometry: applications and limitations
B Fu, FZ Page, AJ Cavosie, J Fournelle, NT Kita, JS Lackey, SA Wilde, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 156 (2), 197-215, 2008
Hadean age for a post-magma-ocean zircon confirmed by atom-probe tomography
JW Valley, AJ Cavosie, T Ushikubo, DA Reinhard, DF Lawrence, ...
Nature Geoscience 7 (3), 219-223, 2014
Magmatic δ18O in 4400–3900 Ma detrital zircons: A record of the alteration and recycling of crust in the Early Archean
AJ Cavosie, JW Valley, SA Wilde
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 235 (3), 663-681, 2005
Internal zoning and U–Th–Pb chemistry of Jack Hills detrital zircons: a mineral record of early Archean to Mesoproterozoic (4348–1576 Ma) magmatism
AJ Cavosie, SA Wilde, D Liu, PW Weiblen, JW Valley
Precambrian Research 135 (4), 251-279, 2004
Lithium in Jack Hills zircons: Evidence for extensive weathering of Earth's earliest crust
T Ushikubo, NT Kita, AJ Cavosie, SA Wilde, RL Rudnick, JW Valley
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (3-4), 666-676, 2008
Correlated microanalysis of zircon: Trace element, δ18O, and U-Th-Pb isotopic constraints on the igneous origin of complex > 3900 Ma detrital grains
AJ Cavosie, JW Valley, SA Wilde, EIMF
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta 70 (22), 5601-5616, 2006
A pressure-temperature phase diagram for zircon at extreme conditions
NE Timms, TM Erickson, MA Pearce, AJ Cavosie, M Schmieder, E Tohver, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 165, 185-202, 2017
Presidential Address. Nano-and micro-geochronology in Hadean and Archean zircons by atom-probe tomography and SIMS: New tools for old minerals
JW Valley, DA Reinhard, AJ Cavosie, T Ushikubo, DF Lawrence, ...
American Mineralogist 100 (7), 1355-1377, 2015
SHRIMP U-Pb and CAMECA 1280 oxygen isotope results from ancient detrital zircons in the Caozhuang quartzite, Eastern Hebei, North China Craton: evidence for crustal reworking 3 …
SA Wilde, JW Valley, NT Kita, AJ Cavosie, D Liu
American Journal of Science 308 (3), 185-199, 2008
Li isotopes and trace elements as a petrogenetic tracer in zircon: insights from Archean TTGs and sanukitoids
AS Bouvier, T Ushikubo, NT Kita, AJ Cavosie, R Kozdon, JW Valley
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163, 745-768, 2012
The Oldest Terrestrial Mineral Record: A Review of 4400 to 4000 Ma Detrital Zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia
AJ Cavosie, JW Valley, SA Wilde
Developments in Precambrian Geology 15, 91-111, 2007
Microstructural constraints on the mechanisms of the transformation to reidite in naturally shocked zircon
TM Erickson, MA Pearce, SM Reddy, NE Timms, AJ Cavosie, J Bourdet, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, 1-26, 2017
Primitive oxygen-isotope ratio recorded in magmatic zircon from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
AJ Cavosie, NT Kita, JW Valley
American Mineralogist 94 (7), 926-934, 2009
A terrestrial perspective on using ex situ shocked zircons to date lunar impacts
AJ Cavosie, TM Erickson, NE Timms, SM Reddy, C Talavera, ...
Geology 43 (11), 999-1002, 2015
Sub-micron scale distributions of trace elements in zircon
AE Hofmann, JW Valley, EB Watson, AJ Cavosie, JM Eiler
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 158, 317-335, 2009
Comment on ‘‘Heterogeneous Hadean Hafnium: Evidence of Continental Crust at 4.4 to 4.5 Ga’’
JW Valley, AJ Cavosie, B Fu, WH Peck, SA Wilde
Science 312 (5777), 1139a, 2006
A record of ancient cataclysm in modern sand: Shock microstructures in detrital minerals from the Vaal River, Vredefort Dome, South Africa
AJ Cavosie, RR Quintero, HA Radovan, DE Moser
Bulletin 122 (11-12), 1968-1980, 2010
Evidence for melting mud in Earth’s mantle from extreme oxygen isotope signatures in zircon
CJ Spencer, AJ Cavosie, TD Raub, H Rollinson, H Jeon, MP Searle, ...
Geology 45 (11), 975-978, 2017
FRIGN zircon—The only terrestrial mineral diagnostic of high-pressure and high-temperature shock deformation
AJ Cavosie, NE Timms, L Ferrière, P Rochette
Geology 46 (10), 891-894, 2018
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