Thomson Kalinda
Thomson Kalinda
Professor of Rural Development, University of Zambia
在 unza.zm 的电子邮件经过验证
Smallholder Farmers’ Perceptions of Climate Change and Conservation Agriculture: Evidence from Zambia
P Nyanga, F Johnsen, J Aune, T Kalinda
Journal of Sustainable Development 4 (4), 73-85, 2011
Stochastic frontier analysis of the technical efficiency of smallholder maize farmers in Central Province, Zambia
S Chiona, T Kalinda, G Tembo
Journal of Agricultural Science 6 (10), 108, 2014
Econometric analysis of the factors that affect adoption of conservation farming practices by smallholder farmers in Zambia
J Ng'ombe, T Kalinda, G Tembo, E Kuntashula
Journal of Sustainable Development 7 (4), 124, 2014
Does adoption of conservation farming practices result in increased crop revenue? Evidence from Zambia
TH Kalinda, G Tembo, JN Ng’ombe
Agrekon 56 (2), 205-221, 2017
Adoption of improved maize seed varieties in Southern Zambia
T Kalinda, G Tembo, E Kuntashula, Z Lusaka
Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6 (1), 33-39, 2014
Gendered Impacts of Conservation Agriculture and Paradox of Herbicide Use among Smallholder Farmers
PH Nyanga, FH Johnsen, TH Kalinda
International Journal of Technology and Development Studies 3 (1), 1-24, 2012
An analysis of the value chain for indigenous chickens in Zambia’s Lusaka and Central Provinces
R Bwalya, T Kalinda
Journal of Agricultural Studies 2 (2), 32-51, 2014
Agricultural growth and investment options for poverty reduction in Zambia
J Thurlow, S Benin, X Diao, H Kalinda, T Kalinda
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2008
A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Maize Production Under Minimum Tillage in Zambia
N ombe J., T Kalinda
Sustainable Agriculture Research 4 (2), 31-46, 2015
Sugar Value Chain in Zambia: An Assessment of the Growth Opportunities and Challenges
T Kalinda, B Chisanga
Asian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 6 (1), 6-15, 2014
Resources, household decision making and organisation of labour in food production among small-scale farmers in southern Zambia
T Kalinda, J Shute, G Filson
Development Southern Africa 17 (2), 165-174, 2000
Use of integrated land use assessment (ILUA) data for forestry and agricultural policy review and analysis in Zambia
T Kalinda, S Bwalya, A Mulolwa, H Haantuba
Report prepared for the Forestry Management and Planning Unit of the …, 2008
Access to agricultural extension, credit and markets among small‐scale farmers in southern Zambia
TH Kalinda, JC Shute, GC Filson
Development Southern Africa 15 (4), 589-608, 1998
An Appraisal of Forest Resources in Zambia using the Integrated Land Use Assessment (ILUA) Survey Data
T Kalinda, S Bwalya, J Munkosha, A Siampale
Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 5 (10), 619-630, 2013
Adoption and Impact of Conservation Agriculture on Smallholder Farmers’ Crop Productivity and Income in Luapula Province, Zambia
TKEK Stanford Nkhoma
Journal of Agricultural Science 9 (9), 168-181, 2017
Livelihood Strategies, Shocks and Coping Mechanisms among Rural Households in Southern Zambia
T Kalinda, A Langyintuo
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 6 (4), 120-133, 2014
Sexual practices and levirate marriages in Mansa District of Zambia
T Kalinda, R Tembo
Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality 13, 1-12, 2010
Use of Integrated Land Use Assessment (ILUA) data for environmental and agricultural policy review and analysis in Zambia
T Kalinda, S Bwalya, A Mulolwa, H Haantuba
Lusaka: GRZ Forestry Department, 2008
Zambia food security issues paper
T Kalinda, F Maimbo, M Mushimba
Draft, London, Forum for Food Security in Southern Africa, April, 2003
Effects of the maize input subsidy program on groundnuts production in Zambia
P Zulu, T Kalinda, G Tembo
Journal of Agricultural Science 6 (7), 253, 2014
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