Javier Abalos
The role of male coloration in the outcome of staged contests in the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
J Abalos, GP i de Lanuza, P Carazo, E Font
Behaviour 153 (5), 607-631, 2016
Through the eye of a lizard: hue discrimination in a lizard with ventral polymorphic coloration
G Pérez i de Lanuza, J Ábalos, A Bartolomé, E Font
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (5), jeb169565, 2018
Population genomics of wall lizards reflects the dynamic history of the Mediterranean Basin
W Yang, N Feiner, D Salvi, H Laakkonen, D Jablonski, C Pinho, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 39 (1), msab311, 2022
No evidence for differential sociosexual behavior and space use in the color morphs of the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
J Abalos, G Pérez i de Lanuza, A Bartolomé, O Liehrmann, H Laakkonen, ...
Ecology and Evolution 2020 (00), 1-20, 2020
Viability, behavior, and color expression in the offspring of matings between common wall lizard Podarcis muralis color morphs
J Abalos, G Pérez i de Lanuza, A Bartolome, F Aubret, T Uller, E Font
Current zoology 68 (1), 41-55, 2022
The functional significance of colour polymorphism in the European common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
J Ábalos Álvarez
The functional significance of colour polymorphism in the european common …, 2021
First record of bluish Podarcis muralis (LAURENTI, 1768)
J Abalos, G Perez i de Lanuza, S Reguera, A Badiane, J Brejcha, E Font
Herpetozoa 29 (3-4), 218-223, 2017
The function and consequences of fluorescence in tetrapods
MPJ Nicolaï, MJ Bok, J Abalos, L D'Alba, MD Shawkey, J Goldenberg
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (24), e2318189121, 2024
Behavioral threat and appeasement signals take precedence over static colors in lizard contests
J Abalos, G Pérez i de Lanuza, A Bartolomé, O Liehrmann, F Aubret, ...
Behavioral Ecology, arae045, 2024
A global initiative for ecological and evolutionary hologenomics
A Leonard, J Abalos, T Adhola, W Aguirre, O Aizpurua, S Ali, F Andreone, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2024
Scientific photography and astronomy: Technology applied to understanding the universe
FA Vazquez, J Ábalos
Metode Science Studies Journal, 41–49, 2024
Suggested searches
EW Butt, JCA Baker, FGS Bezerra, C von Randow, DV Spracklen, ...
Perspective, 2023
Fotografía científica y astronomía: La tecnología aplicada al conocimiento del universo
FÁ Vázquez, J Ábalos
Mètode: Revista de difusión de la Investigación 1 (116), 66-75, 2023
On the edge of extinction: why western chimpanzees matter
R García-Roa, J Abalos Alvarez
The Guardian, 2023
El lenguaje cromático de la lagartija roquera
J Ábalos, GP i de Lanuza, E Font
Investigación y ciencia, 48-49, 2016
Colores de guerra: función de la coloración ventral y de las manchas UV en combates entre machos Podarcis muralis
J Ábalos
Universidad de Córdoba, 2016
Whiter than white: dimorphism in the white ventral coloration of Podarcis muralis
J Ábalos, G Pérez i de Lanuza, S Reguera, A Badiane, J Brejcha, E Font
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