A survey of the usages of deep learning for natural language processing DW Otter, JR Medina, JK Kalita IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 32 (2), 604-624, 2020 | 1869 | 2020 |
Network anomaly detection: methods, systems and tools MH Bhuyan, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Ieee communications surveys & tutorials 16 (1), 303-336, 2013 | 1654 | 2013 |
MIFS-ND: A mutual information-based feature selection method N Hoque, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Expert systems with applications 41 (14), 6371-6385, 2014 | 478 | 2014 |
Botnet in DDoS Attacks: Trends and Challenges N Hoque, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 17 (4), 2242-2270, 2015 | 353 | 2015 |
Network attacks: Taxonomy, tools and systems N Hoque, MH Bhuyan, RC Baishya, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Journal of Network and Computer Applications 40, 307-324, 2014 | 348 | 2014 |
A survey of outlier detection methods in network anomaly identification P Gogoi, DK Bhattacharyya, B Borah, JK Kalita The Computer Journal 54 (4), 570-588, 2011 | 348 | 2011 |
Network anomaly detection: A machine learning perspective DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Crc Press, 2013 | 312 | 2013 |
Summarizing microblogs automatically B Sharifi, MA Hutton, J Kalita Human language technologies: The 2010 annual conference of the north …, 2010 | 299 | 2010 |
Deep Learning applied to NLP MM Lopez, J Kalita arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03091, 2017 | 271 | 2017 |
An empirical evaluation of information metrics for low-rate and high-rate DDoS attack detection MH Bhuyan, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Pattern Recognition Letters 51, 1-7, 2015 | 270 | 2015 |
Syntactic normalization of twitter messages M Kaufmann, J Kalita International conference on natural language processing, Kharagpur, India 16, 2010 | 265 | 2010 |
Comparing twitter summarization algorithms for multiple post summaries D Inouye, JK Kalita 2011 IEEE Third international conference on privacy, security, risk and …, 2011 | 260 | 2011 |
Streaming trend detection in twitter J Benhardus, J Kalita International Journal of Web Based Communities 9 (1), 122-139, 2013 | 258 | 2013 |
Detecting distributed denial of service attacks: methods, tools and future directions MH Bhuyan, HJ Kashyap, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita The Computer Journal 57 (4), 537-556, 2014 | 253 | 2014 |
Authentication of smartphone users using behavioral biometrics A Alzubaidi, J Kalita IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 18 (3), 1998-2026, 2016 | 250 | 2016 |
Surveying port scans and their detection methodologies MH Bhuyan, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita The Computer Journal 54 (10), 1565-1581, 2011 | 232 | 2011 |
Experiments in microblog summarization B Sharifi, MA Hutton, JK Kalita 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing, 49-56, 2010 | 215 | 2010 |
Making Them Move: Mechanics, Control & Animation of Articulated Figures N Badler, B Barsky, D Zeltzer Routledge, 1990 | 212 | 1990 |
Improving the reliability of deep neural networks in NLP: A review B Alshemali, J Kalita Knowledge-Based Systems 191, 105210, 2020 | 206 | 2020 |
Packet and flow based network intrusion dataset P Gogoi, MH Bhuyan, DK Bhattacharyya, JK Kalita Contemporary Computing: 5th International Conference, IC3 2012, Noida, India …, 2012 | 199 | 2012 |