Dr. Iván Suazo Galdames PhD
Dr. Iván Suazo Galdames PhD
其他姓名https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1689-1632, Ivan Suazo, Galdames I C S
Universidad Autónoma de Chile (ROR 010r9dy59) Chile
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Palatal rugae: Systematic analysis of its shape and dimensions for use in human identification
R Palatinas, SA de su Forma
Int. j. morphol 27 (3), 819-25, 2009
Morfometría geométrica y el estudio de las formas biológicas: de la morfología descriptiva a la morfología cuantitativa
MV Toro Ibacache, G Manriquez Soto, I Suazo Galdames
International Journal of Morphology 28 (4), 977-990, 2010
Sexual dimorphism in the foramen magnum dimensions.
ICS Galdames, PP Russo, DAZ Matamala, RL Smith
International Journal of Morphology 27 (1), 2009
Estilos de aprendizaje y su correlación con el rendimiento académico en anatomía humana normal
IC Suazo Galdames
International Journal of Morphology 25 (2), 367-373, 2007
Sex determination using mastoid process measurements in Brazilian skulls
ICS Galdames, DAZ Matamala, RL Smith, GIC SUAZO, MDA ZAVANDO, ...
Int J Morphol 26 (4), 941-4, 2008
Ponticulus posticus on the posterior arch of atlas, prevalence analysis in asymptomatic patients
J Schilling, A Schilling, IS Galdames
Int J Morphol 28 (1), 317-22, 2010
Evaluating accuracy and precision in morphologic traits for sexual dimorphism in malnutrition human skull: a comparative study
ICS Galdames, DAZ Matamala, RL Smith
Int J Morphol 26 (4), 876-83, 2008
Sexual dimorphism in mesiodistal and bucolingual tooth dimensions in Chilean people
IS Galdames, MC López, BL Farías, CS Marchant, ST Muñoz, PG Rojas, ...
Int J Morphol 26, 609-14, 2008
Sexual dimorphism in the tooth dimensions of Spanish and Chilean peoples
JC Astete, J San Pedro Valenzuela, I Suazo Galdames
Int. j. odontostomatol.(Print), 41-50, 2009
Moral sensitivity, empathy and prosocial behavior: Implications for humanization of nursing care
I Suazo, MC Pérez-Fuentes, MM Molero Jurado, Á Martos Martínez, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (23), 8914, 2020
Sexual dimorphism determination from the lineal dimensions of skulls.
DAZ Matamala, ICS Galdames, RL Smith
International Journal of Morphology 27 (1), 2009
Morfometría geométrica y el estudio de las formas biológicas: De la morfología descriptiva a la morfología cuantitativa
MVT Ibacache, GM Soto, IS Galdames, IMV TORO, SG MANRIQUEZ, ...
International Journal of Morphology 28 (4), 977-990, 2010
Sex chromatin in dental pulp. Performance of diagnosis test and gold standard generation
IS Galdames, IR Henríquez, M Cantín, GI SUAZO, HI ROA, LM CANTÍN
Int J Morphol 28 (4), 1093-6, 2010
Sexual Dimorphism Determination by Piriform Aperture Morphometric Analysis in Brazilian Human Skulls.
MC López, ICS Galdames, DAZ Matamala, RL Smith
International Journal of Morphology 27 (2), 2009
Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia via the retromolar triangle, an alternative for patients with blood dyscrasias
IS Galdames, MGC López, DAZ Matamala
Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa 13 (1), 10, 2008
Comparisons in soft-tissue thicknesses on the human face in fresh and embalmed corpses using needle puncture method
ICS Galdames, MC López, DAZ Matamala, FJP Rojas, SRT Muñoz, ...
Int. j. morphol 26 (1), 165-169, 2008
Performance evaluation as a diagnostic test for traditional methods for forensic identification of sex.
ICS Galdames, DAZ Matamala, RL Smith
International Journal of Morphology 27 (2), 2009
Anatomical study of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar bony bridges and foramens in dried crania and its clinical relevance
IS Galdames, DZ Matamala, RL Smith, GI SUAZO, MD ZAVANDO, ...
Int J Morphol 28 (2), 405-408, 2010
Retromolar Canal and Forame prevalence in dried mandibles and clinical implications
IS Galdámes, DZ Matamala, MC López, G Suazo, M Zavando, L Cantín
International Journal of Odontostomatology 2 (2), 183-187, 2008
Sex determination by observation of Barr body in teeth subjected to high temperatures
IS Galdames, A Flores, I Roa, M Cantín, D Zavando
International Journal of Morphology 29 (1), 199-203, 2011
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