Bo Cederwall
Bo Cederwall
在 nuclear.kth.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Agata—advanced gamma tracking array
S Akkoyun, A Algora, B Alikhani, F Ameil, G De Angelis, L Arnold, A Astier, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Properties of the YAG: Ce scintillator
M Moszyński, T Ludziejewski, D Wolski, W Klamra, LO Norlin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1994
Evidence for a spin-aligned neutron–proton paired phase from the level structure of 92Pd
B Cederwall, FG Moradi, T Bäck, A Johnson, J Blomqvist, E Clément, ...
Nature 469 (7328), 68-71, 2011
New features of superdeformed bands in
B Cederwall, RVF Janssens, MJ Brinkman, IY Lee, I Ahmad, JA Becker, ...
Physical review letters 72 (20), 3150, 1994
Observation of Isomeric Decays in the -Process Waiting-Point Nucleus
A Jungclaus, L Cáceres, M Górska, M Pfützner, S Pietri, ...
Physical review letters 99 (13), 132501, 2007
Physics performance report for PANDA: strong interaction studies with antiprotons
MFM Lutz, B Pire, O Scholten, R Timmermans, J Boucher, T Hennino, ...
Technical design report for the ANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt) Straw Tube Tracker: Strong interaction studies with antiprotons
W Erni, I Keshelashvili, B Krusche, M Steinacher, Y Heng, Z Liu, H Liu, ...
The European Physical Journal A 49, 1-104, 2013
9848Cd50: The Two-Proton-Hole Spectrum in 10050Sn50
M Górska, M Lipoglavšek, H Grawe, J Nyberg, A Atac, A Axelsson, R Bark, ...
Physical review letters 79 (13), 2415-2418, 1997
Backtracking as a way to reconstruct Compton scattered γ-rays
J Van der Marel, B Cederwall
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1999
Spin-aligned neutron-proton pair mode in atomic nuclei
C Qi, J Blomqvist, T Bäck, B Cederwall, A Johnson, RJ Liotta, R Wyss
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (2), 021301, 2011
Observation of a core-excited isomer in
A Blazhev, M Górska, H Grawe, J Nyberg, M Palacz, E Caurier, O Dorvaux, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 69 (6), 064304, 2004
Measurement of ultra-fast γ-ray transitions from heavy-ion compound-nucleus reactions
B Cederwall, IY Lee, S Asztalos, MJ Brinkman, JA Becker, RM Clark, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1995
Nuclear structure of
E Ruchowska, WA Płóciennik, J Żylicz, H Mach, J Kvasil, A Algora, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (4), 044326, 2006
PANDA Phase One: PANDA collaboration
G Barucca, F Davì, G Lancioni, P Mengucci, L Montalto, PP Natali, ...
The European Physical Journal A 57, 1-36, 2021
Conf. rapidly rotating nuclear structure, Tokyo, October 1992
T Komatsubara, K Furuno, T Hosoda, J Mukai, T Hayakawa, T Morikawa, ...
Nucl. Phys. A 557, 419c, 1993
Pygmy dipole resonance in 124Sn populated by inelastic scattering of 17O
L Pellegri, A Bracco, FCL Crespi, S Leoni, F Camera, EG Lanza, ...
Physics Letters B 738, 519-523, 2014
Technical design report for PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC)
W Erni, I Keshelashvili, B Krusche, M Steinacher, Y Heng, Z Liu, H Liu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:0810.1216, 2008
Technical design report for the: PANDA micro vertex detector
W Erni, G Filo, E Pace, P Dalpiaz, A Braghieri, K Szymanska, Z Guzik, ...
symmetry effects in nuclear rotational motion
AO Macchiavelli, B Cederwall, RM Clark, MA Deleplanque, RM Diamond, ...
Physical Review C 51 (1), R1, 1995
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of 110Cd
S Juutinen, R Julin, M Piiparinen, P Ahonen, B Cederwall, C Fahlander, ...
Nuclear Physics A 573 (2), 306-332, 1994
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