Google earth engine as multi-sensor open-source tool for supporting the preservation of archaeological areas: the case study of flood and fire mapping in Metaponto, Italy
C Fattore, N Abate, F Faridani, N Masini, R Lasaponara
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Evaluating the effects of UHI on climate parameters (A case study for Mashhad, Khorrasan)
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A modified version of the SMAR model for estimating root-zone soil moisture from time-series of surface soil moisture
F Faridani, A Farid, H Ansari, S Manfreda
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Estimation of the root-zone soil moisture using passive microwave remote sensing and SMAR Model
F Faridani, A Farid, H Ansari, S Manfreda
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 143 (1), 04016070, 2017
Soil moisture monitoring in Iran by implementing satellite data into the root-zone SMAR model
F Gheybi, P Paridad, F Faridani, A Farid, A Pizarro, M Fiorentino, ...
Hydrology 6 (2), 44, 2019
Estimating flood characteristics using geomorphologic flood index with regards to rainfall intensity-duration-frequency-area curves and CADDIES-2D model in three Iranian Basins
F Faridani, S Bakhtiari, A Faridhosseini, MJ Gibson, R Farmani, ...
Sustainability 12 (18), 7371, 2020
Exploring Long-Term Anomalies in the Vegetation Cover of Peri-Urban Parks Using the Fisher-Shannon Method
L Telesca, A Aromando, F Faridani, M Lovallo, G Cardettini, N Abate, ...
Entropy 24 (12), 1784, 2022
Discerning Xylella fastidiosa-Infected Olive Orchards in the Time Series of MODIS Terra Satellite Evapotranspiration Data by Using the Fisher–Shannon Analysis …
L Telesca, N Abate, F Faridani, M Lovallo, R Lasaponara
Fractal and Fractional 7 (6), 466, 2023
Enhanced estimation of root zone soil moisture at 1 km resolution using SMAR model and MODIS-based downscaled AMSR2 soil moisture data
M Farokhi, F Faridani, R Lasaponara, H Ansari, A Faridhosseini
Sensors 21 (15), 5211, 2021
Revealing traits of phytopathogenic status induced by Xylella Fastidiosa in olive trees by analysing multifractal and informational patterns of MODIS satellite …
L Telesca, N Abate, F Faridani, M Lovallo, R Lasaponara
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 629, 129163, 2023
Estimation of soil moisture from UAS platforms using RGB and thermal imaging sensors in arid and semi-arid regions
P Paridad, SF Dal Sasso, A Pizarro, L Mita, M Fiorentino, MR Margiotta, ...
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Informational Analysis of MODIS Satellite Evapotranspiration Data of Vegetation Cover: A Method to Reveal the Presence of Plant Diseases
L Telesca, R Lasaponara, F Faridani, N Abate, M Lovallo
SIGNAL 2023 Editors, 8, 2023
Fisher-Shannon Analysis of MODIS Terra Evapotranspiration Satellite Data to Reveal Status of Plant Infection
L Telesca, N Abate, F Faridani, M Lovallo, R Lasaponara
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and …, 2023
Multifractal Analysis of MODIS Terra Satellite Time Series of Italian Urban Forests
L Telesca, N Abate, F Faridani, C Fattore, M Lovallo, R Lasaponara
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and …, 2022
Combination of EPM and ANP models for assessment of soil erosion risks
F Faridani, FK Sarakhs, HE Rad
First National Congress on Iran's Irrigation & Drainage (NCIID01), Ferdowsi …, 2015
Avulsion potential on alluvial fans using a hydraulic-geomorphic approach: A case study of Sarbaz and Ferizy (Iran)
Z Mollaei, H Madani, H Moghimzadeh, F Akbarpoor, K Davary, F Faridani
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