Marie Stiévenart
Marie Stiévenart
在 ulg.ac.be 的电子邮件经过验证
The development of children’s inhibition: Does parenting matter?
I Roskam, M Stievenart, JC Meunier, MP Noël
Journal of experimental child psychology 122, 166-182, 2014
Gender and attachment representations in the preschool years: Comparisons between five countries
B Pierrehumbert, MP Santelices, M Ibáñez, M Alberdi, B Ongari, I Roskam, ...
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (4), 543-566, 2009
Externalizing behavior trajectories: The role of parenting, sibling relationships and child personality
JC Meunier, I Roskam, M Stievenart, G Van de Moortele, DT Browne, ...
Journal of applied developmental psychology 32 (1), 20-33, 2011
Confident parents for easier children: A parental self-efficacy program to improve young children’s behavior
B Mouton, L Loop, M Stiévenart, I Roskam
Education Sciences 8 (3), 134, 2018
Parent attachment, childrearing behavior, and child attachment: Mediated effects predicting preschoolers' externalizing behavior
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 32 (4), 170-179, 2011
Another way of thinking about ADHD: the predictive role of early attachment deprivation in adolescents’ level of symptoms
I Roskam, M Stievenart, R Tessier, A Muntean, MJ Escobar, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 49, 133-144, 2014
Parental differential treatment, child’s externalizing behavior and sibling relationships: Bridging links with child’s perception of favoritism and personality, and parents …
JC Meunier, I Roskam, M Stievenart, GV De Moortele, DT Browne, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 29 (5), 612-638, 2012
The reciprocal relation between children’s attachment representations and their cognitive ability
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Van de Moortele
International Journal of Behavioral Development 35 (1), 58-66, 2011
The friends and family interview: measurement invariance across Belgium and Romania
M Stievenart, M Casonato, A Muntean, R Van de Schoot
European Journal of Developmental Psychology 9 (6), 737-743, 2012
When there seem to be no predetermining factors: Early child and proximal family risk predicting externalizing behavior in young children incurring no distal family risk
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart, MP Noël
Research in developmental disabilities 34 (1), 627-639, 2013
Do mothers and fathers moderate the influence of each other’s self-efficacy beliefs and parenting behaviors on children’s externalizing behavior?
I Roskam, JC Meunier, M Stievenart
Journal of Child and Family Studies 25, 2034-2045, 2016
Psychologie de la parentalité
I Roskam, S Galdiolo, JC Meunier, M Stiévenart
de boeck, 2015
Assessment of preschoolers’ attachment security using the Attachment Q-set and the Attachment Story Completion Task.
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Vandemoortele
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment 12 (1), 2012
One or many? Which and how many parenting variables should be targeted in interventions to reduce children's externalizing behavior?
L Loop, B Mouton, M Stievenart, I Roskam
Behaviour research and therapy 92, 11-23, 2017
Is there a common pathway to maladjustment for internationally adopted and non-adopted adolescents?
I Roskam, M Stievenart
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 35 (3), 215-222, 2014
The Unfair Card Game: A promising tool to assess externalizing behavior in preschoolers
I Roskam, M Stiévenart, E Brassart, M Houssa, L Loop, B Mouton, ...
Pratiques psychologiques 22 (1), 61-73, 2016
Comment les parents, les enseignants et les cliniciens évaluent les troubles du comportement externalisé du jeune enfant? Étude de la variabilité des jugements évaluatifs et de …
I Roskam, M Stievenart, JC Meunier, G Van de Moortele, P Kinoo, ...
Pratiques psychologiques 16 (4), 389-401, 2010
Parenting programs to reduce young Children’s externalizing behavior: a meta-analytic review of their behavioral or cognitive orientation
B Mouton, L Loop, M Stievenart, I Roskam
Child & Family Behavior Therapy 40 (2), 115-147, 2018
The comparison and combination of multi-informant and multi-method data on preschoolers’ externalizing behaviour.
I Roskam, J Meunier, M Stievenart
The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment 14 (2), 79, 2013
Stability of young children's attachment representations: Influence of children's and caregiver's characteristics
M Stievenart, I Roskam, JC Meunier, G Van de Moortele
Journal of applied developmental psychology 35 (2), 61-69, 2014
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