Sergey Antipov
Sergey Antipov
PALM Scientific LLC
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FCC-ee: the lepton collider: future circular collider conceptual design report volume 2
AEA Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 261-623, 2019
HE-LHC: the high-energy large hadron collider: future circular collider conceptual design report volume 4
A Abada, M Abbrescia, SS AbdusSalam, I Abdyukhanov, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 228, 1109-1382, 2019
Experimental observation of energy modulation in electron beams passing through terahertz dielectric wakefield structures
S Antipov, C Jing, M Fedurin, W Gai, A Kanareykin, K Kusche, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.7291, 2011
Update of the HL-LHC operational scenarios for proton operation
E Metral, J Barranco Garcia, RB Appleby, D Mirarchi, P Baudrenghien, ...
Subpicosecond bunch train production for a tunable mJ level THz source
S Antipov, M Babzien, C Jing, M Fedurin, W Gai, A Kanareykin, K Kusche, ...
Physical review letters 111 (13), 134802, 2013
Experimental demonstration of energy-chirp compensation by a tunable dielectric-based structure
S Antipov, S Baturin, C Jing, M Fedurin, A Kanareykin, C Swinson, ...
Physical review letters 112 (11), 114801, 2014
Femtosecond relativistic electron beam with reduced timing jitter from THz driven beam compression
L Zhao, H Tang, C Lu, T Jiang, P Zhu, L Hu, W Song, H Wang, J Qiu, ...
Physical review letters 124 (5), 054802, 2020
Experimental demonstration of wakefield effects in a THz planar diamond accelerating structure
S Antipov, C Jing, A Kanareykin, JE Butler, V Yakimenko, M Fedurin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 100 (13), 2012
Observation of wakefield generation in left-handed band of metamaterial-loaded waveguide
S Antipov, L Spentzouris, W Gai, M Conde, F Franchini, R Konecny, W Liu, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (1), 2008
High quantum efficiency ultrananocrystalline diamond photocathode for photoinjector applications
KJ Pérez Quintero, S Antipov, AV Sumant, C Jing, SV Baryshev
Applied Physics Letters 105 (12), 2014
Terahertz oscilloscope for recording time information of ultrashort electron beams
L Zhao, Z Wang, H Tang, R Wang, Y Cheng, C Lu, T Jiang, P Zhu, L Hu, ...
Physical review letters 122 (14), 144801, 2019
Observation of high transformer ratio of shaped bunch generated by an emittance-exchange beam line
Q Gao, G Ha, C Jing, SP Antipov, JG Power, M Conde, W Gai, H Chen, ...
Physical review letters 120 (11), 114801, 2018
Demonstration of a high repetition rate capillary discharge waveguide
AJ Gonsalves, F Liu, NA Bobrova, PV Sasorov, C Pieronek, J Daniels, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (3), 2016
Experimental demonstration of wakefield acceleration in a tunable dielectric loaded accelerating structure
C Jing, A Kanareykin, JG Power, M Conde, W Liu, S Antipov, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (16), 164802, 2011
Terahertz radiation from an ultra-relativistic charge exiting the open end of a waveguide with a dielectric layer
SN Galyamin, AV Tyukhtin, S Antipov, SS Baturin
Optics express 22 (8), 8902-8907, 2014
Efficient extraction of high power THz radiation generated by an ultra-relativistic electron beam in a dielectric loaded waveguide
S Antipov, SV Baryshev, R Kostin, S Baturin, J Qiu, C Jing, C Swinson, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (14), 2016
Planar ultrananocrystalline diamond field emitter in accelerator radio frequency electron injector: Performance metrics
SV Baryshev, S Antipov, J Shao, C Jing, KJ Pérez Quintero, J Qiu, W Liu, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (20), 2014
Electron acceleration through two successive electron beam driven wakefield acceleration stages
C Jing, S Antipov, M Conde, W Gai, G Ha, W Liu, N Neveu, JG Power, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2018
Observations, analysis and mitigation of recurrent LHC beam dumps caused by fast losses in arc half-cell 16L2
JM Jimenez, S Antipov, G Arduini, A Bertarelli, N Biancacci, B Bradu, ...
9th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf.(IPAC'18), 228-231, 2018
Shaping triangular picosecond laser pulses for electron photoinjectors
I Kuzmin, S Mironov, E Gacheva, V Zelenogorsky, A Potemkin, ...
Laser Physics Letters 16 (1), 015001, 2018
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