Gani, Hamsu Abdul
Gani, Hamsu Abdul
在 unm.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Development of an Android-based Computer Based Test (CBT) In Middle School
NH Nurhikmah H, H Gani, M Pratama, H Wijaya
Journal of Education Technology 5 (2), 272-281, 2021
Android based multimedia learning for vocational high schools
NH Nurhikmah H, HA Gani, S Hatta
Journal of Educational Science and Technology 6 (2), 193-204, 2020
Development of Connecting Extending Review (CER) Learning Model to Improve Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability
A Asfar, MA Ahmad, HA Gani, A Asfar, A Nurannisa
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 9 (4), 2021
Model Pembelajaran Connecting, Extending, Review: Tiga Fase Efektif Optimalkan Kemampuan Penalaran
AMIT Asfar, MA Ahmad, HA Gani
Media Sains Indonesia, 2021
Nurse capacity building strategy in health services in hospitals
S Suprapto, R Rifdan, HA Gani
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (S1), 832-838, 2021
Strategi Pengembangan Kapasitas Perawat dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan
S Suprapto, R Rifdan, HA Gani
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada 10 (1), 133-138, 2021
Trends in Educational Research about Social Attitudes Education and Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
H Wijaya, G Arismunandar, A Hamsu
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (12), 7682-7693, 2020
Penyelesaian Kasus Kejahatan Internet (Cybercrime) dalam Perspektif UU ITE No. 11 TAHUN 2008 dan UU No. 19 Tahun 2016
HA Gani, AW Gani
Pros. Semin. Nas. LP2M UNM, 121-129, 2019
The Implementation of Environmental Education Based on Action-Portfolio to Improve the Learning Participation of the Student
ES Sahabuddin, GD Dirawan, M Mulyadi, H Abdul Gani
Research Journal of Applied Sciences 12 (1), 73-77, 2017
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Menggunakan Media Audio Visual pada Mata Kuliah Teknik Sepeda Motor
H Abdul Gani, Z Zulhaji
Jurnal Mekom" Media Komunikasi Pendidikan Kejuruan" 2 (1), 88-101, 2015
Improving management of BUMDES for village development
AA Malik, HA Gani, R Rifdan
Linguistics and Culture Review 5 (S1), 653-660, 2021
Collaboration of actor in formulation of development program tourism destination in West Halmahera Regency.(Study In Tuada and Bobanehena Village, Jailolo District)-Indonesia
T Husain, H Akib, H Abdul Gani, M Guntur
Espacios 39 (44), 27-34, 2018
The impacts of Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method on university students' reading comprehension skills in Indonesia
M Guntur, HA Gani, M Mustafa
OSF, 2021
Students perception on physics learning interactions
P Karuru, P Bundu, A Anshari, HA Gani
Universal Journal of Educational Research 9 (5), 1044-1054, 2021
Nurse capacity building strategy in health services in hospitals. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5 (S1), 832-838
S Suprapto, R Rifdan, HA Gani
Hybridization of the Poso Conflict Resolution Discourse
IK Yakobus, T Kasnawi, AA Andi Agustang, HA Gani
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 24 (5), 1-9, 2020
Motivasi berprestasi siswa SLTA di Sulawesi Selatan
HA Gani
Jurnal Teknologi Pembelajaran: Teori dan Penelitian. Tahun 7, 1999
Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Mikrokontroller Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR)
G Mukhlisin, P HA, U Muhammad
Journal Of Electrical Engineering (Joule) 3 (1), 125-129, 2022
Strategy for Capacity Building of Nurses in Health Services
S Suprapto, R Rifdan, HA Gani
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada 10 (1), 133-138, 2021
Micro Enterprises Empowerment Policy in Sidenreng Rappang Regency, Indonesia, 24 (1), 39–44
H Zainal, HA Gani, M Guntur, H Akib
文章 1–20