Wantao Yu
Wantao Yu
在 roehampton.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
The effects of supply chain integration on customer satisfaction and financial performance: An organizational learning perspective
W Yu, MA Jacobs, WD Salisbury, H Enns
International Journal of Production Economics 146 (1), 346-358, 2013
Integrated green supply chain management and operational performance
W Yu, R Chavez, M Feng, F Wiengarten
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 19 (5/6), 683-696, 2014
Green supply chain management and financial performance: The mediating roles of operational and environmental performance
M Feng, W Yu, X Wang, CY Wong, M Xu, Z Xiao
Business strategy and the Environment 27 (7), 811-824, 2018
Green human resource management and environmental cooperation: An ability-motivation-opportunity and contingency perspective
W Yu, R Chavez, M Feng, CY Wong, B Fynes
International Journal of Production Economics 219, 224-235, 2020
Data-driven supply chain capabilities and performance: A resource-based view
W Yu, R Chavez, MA Jacobs, M Feng
Transportation Research Part E: logistics and transportation review 114, 371-385, 2018
Environmental pressures and performance: An analysis of the roles of environmental innovation strategy and marketing capability
W Yu, R Ramanathan, P Nath
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 117, 160-169, 2017
Dynamism, disruption orientation, and resilience in the supply chain and the impacts on financial performance: A dynamic capabilities perspective
W Yu, MA Jacobs, R Chavez, J Yang
International Journal of Production Economics 218, 352-362, 2019
The effect of internal communication and employee satisfaction on supply chain integration
MA Jacobs, W Yu, R Chavez
International Journal of Production Economics 171, 60-70, 2016
Internal lean practices and performance: The role of technological turbulence
R Chavez, W Yu, M Jacobs, B Fynes, F Wiengarten, A Lecuna
International Journal of Production Economics 160, 157-171, 2015
Internal lean practices and operational performance: The contingency perspective of industry clockspeed
R Chavez, C Gimenez, B Fynes, F Wiengarten, W Yu
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2013
The effect of customer‐centric green supply chain management on operational performance and customer satisfaction
R Chavez, W Yu, M Feng, F Wiengarten
Business Strategy and the Environment 25 (3), 205-220, 2016
The impacts of marketing and operations capabilities on financial performance in the UK retail sector: A resource-based perspective
W Yu, R Ramanathan, P Nath
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (1), 25-31, 2014
An empirical examination of stakeholder pressures, green operations practices and environmental performance
W Yu, R Ramanathan
International Journal of Production Research 53 (21), 6390-6407, 2015
Role of big data analytics capability in developing integrated hospital supply chains and operational flexibility: An organizational information processing theory perspective  
W Yu, G Zhao, Q Liu, Y Song
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 163, 120417, 2021
Manufacturing capability and organizational performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation
R Chavez, W Yu, MA Jacobs, M Feng
International Journal of Production Economics 184, 33-46, 2017
Data-driven supply chains, manufacturing capability and customer satisfaction
R Chavez, W Yu, MA Jacobs, M Feng
Production Planning & Control 28 (11-12), 906-918, 2017
Integrating big data analytics into supply chain finance: The roles of information processing and data-driven culture
W Yu, CY Wong, R Chavez, M Jacobs
International Journal of Production Economics 236, 108135, 2021
Customer integration and operational performance: The mediating role of information quality
R Chavez, W Yu, C Gimenez, B Fynes, F Wiengarten
Decision Support Systems 80, 83-95, 2015
The effect of IT-enabled supply chain integration on performance
W Yu
Production Planning & Control 26 (12), 945-957, 2015
An assessment of operational efficiencies in the UK retail sector
W Yu, R Ramanathan
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 36 (11), 861-882, 2008
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