Luca Salvatori
Frequency-and time-domain methods for the numerical modeling of full-bridge aeroelasticity
L Salvatori, C Borri
Computers & structures 85 (11-14), 675-687, 2007
Unreinforced masonry walls with irregular opening layouts: reliability of equivalent-frame modelling for seismic vulnerability assessment
M Berti, L Salvatori, M Orlando, P Spinelli
Bulletin of earthquake engineering 15, 1213-1239, 2017
Epistemic uncertainties in structural modeling: a blind benchmark for seismic assessment of slender masonry towers
G Bartoli, M Betti, P Biagini, A Borghini, A Ciavattone, M Girardi, ...
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (5), 04017067, 2017
Incremental dynamic and nonlinear static analyses for seismic assessment of medieval masonry towers
AM Marra, L Salvatori, P Spinelli, G Bartoli
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (4), 04017032, 2017
Effects of structural nonlinearity and along-span wind coherence on suspension bridge aerodynamics: Some numerical simulation results
L Salvatori, P Spinelli
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 94 (5), 415-430, 2006
Probabilistic seismic performance of masonry towers: General procedure and a simplified implementation
L Salvatori, AM Marra, G Bartoli, P Spinelli
Engineering Structures 94, 82-95, 2015
Displacement capacity of masonry piers: parametric numerical analyses versus international building codes
M Orlando, L Salvatori, P Spinelli, M De Stefano
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, 2259-2271, 2016
Experimental, numerical, and regulatory P-Mx-My domains for cold-formed perforated steel uprights of pallet-racks
L Bertocci, D Comparini, G Lavacchini, M Orlando, L Salvatori, P Spinelli
Thin-Walled Structures 119, 151-165, 2017
Stefan problem through extended finite elements: review and further investigations
L Salvatori, N Tosi
Algorithms 2 (3), 1177-1220, 2009
Two shape parametrizations for structural optimization of triangular shells
E Marino, L Salvatori, M Orlando, C Borri
Computers & Structures 166, 1-10, 2016
Seismic response of masonry-infilled steel frames via multi-scale finite-element analyses
F Margiacchi, L Salvatori, M Orlando, M De Stefano, P Spinelli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 14, 3529-3546, 2016
A discrete 3D model for bridge aerodynamics and aeroelasticity: nonlinearities and linearizations
L Salvatori, P Spinelli
Meccanica 42, 31-46, 2007
Forming new steel-framed openings in load-bearing masonry walls: Design methods and nonlinear finite element simulations
L Billi, F Laudicina, L Salvatori, M Orlando, P Spinelli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 17, 2647-2670, 2019
Role of correlation between mechanical parameters in the probabilistic seismic vulnerability of historical masonry towers
L Salvatori, AM Marra, G Bartoli, P Spinelli
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 2 (2-3), 134-149, 2017
Four-point bending tests on laminated glass beams reinforced with FRP bars adhesively bonded to the glass
E Cagnacci, M Orlando, L Salvatori, P Spinelli
Glass Structures & Engineering 6, 211-232, 2021
Nonlinear Static And Incremental Dynamic Analyses For Seismic Down-Aisle Behavior Of Rack Structures
A Mei, M Orlando, L Salvatori, P Spinelli
International Journal 38 (2-2021), 2018
Assessment and mitigation of wind risk of suspended-span bridges
L Salvatori
A continuum-discrete multiscale model for in-plane mechanical modeling of masonry panels
L Salvatori, P Spinelli
Journal of Multiscale Modelling 9 (03), 1840004, 2018
Finite-element time-domain simulations of bridge aeroelasticity: implementation and profiling
C Borri, L Salvatori, W Zahlten
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 1, 103-7, 2005
Preliminary assessment of the seismic behaviour of giotto’s bell tower in florence
P Spinelli, L Salvatori, R Lancellotta, M Betti
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 17 (1), 23-45, 2023
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