ling tang
ling tang
ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)
在 esri.com 的电子邮件经过验证
Modeling errors in daily precipitation measurements: additive or multiplicative?
Y Tian, GJ Huffman, RF Adler, L Tang, M Sapiano, V Maggioni, H Wu
Geophysical Research Letters, 2013
An improved procedure for the validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates
L Tang, Y Tian, F Yan, E Habib
Atmospheric Research 163, 61-73, 2015
Performance metrics, error modeling, and uncertainty quantification
Y Tian, GS Nearing, CD Peters-Lidard, KW Harrison, L Tang
Monthly Weather Review 144 (2), 607-613, 2016
Validation of precipitation retrievals over land from satellite‐based passive microwave sensors
L Tang, Y Tian, X Lin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (8), 4546-4567, 2014
Investigating the similarity of satellite rainfall error metrics as a function of Köppen climate classification
L Tang, F Hossain
Atmospheric Research 104, 182-192, 2012
Investigating spatial downscaling of satellite rainfall data for streamflow simulation in a medium-sized basin
S Rahman, AC Bagtzoglou, F Hossain, L Tang, LD Yarbrough, G Easson
Journal of Hydrometeorology 10 (4), 1063-1079, 2009
汤凌, 郑肇葆, 虞欣
武汉大学学报: 信息科学版 32 (1), 67-70, 2007
Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty from Gauged to Ungauged Regions at Regional and Seasonal Time Scales
L Tang, F Hossain, GJ Huffman
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (6), 1263-1274, 2010
Transfer of satellite rainfall error from gaged to ungaged locations: How realistic will it be for the Global Precipitation Mission?
L Tang, F Hossain
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (10), 2009
基于 Naive Bayes Classifiers 的航空影像纹理分类
虞欣, 郑肇葆, 汤凌, 叶志伟
武汉大学学报: 信息科学版 31 (2), 108-111, 2006
Understanding the Dynamics of Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Error Metrics From Gauged to Ungauged Satellite Gridboxes Using Interpolation Methods
L Tang, F Hossain
Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE …, 2011
A practical guide to a space-time stochastic error model for simulation of high-resolution satellite rainfall data
F Hossain, L Tang, EN Anagnostou, EI Nikolopoulos
Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology 44 (6), 145, 2009
Analysis of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project Data for Four Global River Basins
J Harvey, L Tang
GPCPReport, GPCP, University of Maryland, 2007
Uncertainty Analysis in High-Time Resolution Precipitation Products
V Maggioni, RF Adler, Y Tian, GJ Huffman, MR Sapiano, L Tang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, H33C-1316, 2012
Uncertainty Representation and Quantification in NASA's Precipitation Data Records
Y Tian, RF Adler, F Yan, V Maggioni, L Tang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, IN13D-08, 2012
Forensic Analysis of Two Contrasting Satellite Rainfall Products for Detection of the July 2002 Flooding in South-Central Texas
CB Moffit, L Tang, F Hossain
Environmental Forensics 12 (3), 219-225, 2011
Transfer of uncertainty of space-borne high resolution rainfall products at ungauged regions
L Tang
Tennessee Technological University, 2011
Assessment of Kriging Methods for Spatial Transfer of Satellite Rainfall Error Metrics from Gauged to Ungauged Satellite Gridboxes
L Tang, F Hossain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H11B-0804, 2010
Transferring Error Characteristics of Satellite Rainfall Data from Ground Validation (gauged) into Non-ground Validation (ungauged)
L Tang, F Hossain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2009, NG33B-1087, 2009
Understanding the climatologic features of uncertainty of high resolution precipitation products from satellites for advancing global applications over ungauged regions
L Tang, F Hossain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, H21G-0905, 2008
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