Vom Einzelfall zum Typus U Kelle, S Kluge VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1999 | 4527 | 1999 |
" Emergence" vs." forcing" of empirical data? A crucial problem of" grounded theory" reconsidered U Kelle Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement, 133-156, 2007 | 1279 | 2007 |
Die Integration qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden in der empirischen Sozialforschung U Kelle VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008 | 1230 | 2008 |
Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: Theory, methods and practice U Kelle, K Bird Sage, 1995 | 1089 | 1995 |
Empirisch begründete Theoriebildung: Zur Logik und Methodologie interpretativer Sozialforschung U Kelle Dt. Studien-Verlag, 1994 | 964 | 1994 |
The development of categories: Different approaches in grounded theory U Kelle The Sage handbook of grounded theory, 191-213, 2007 | 818 | 2007 |
Combining qualitative and quantitative methods in research practice: purposes and advantages U Kelle Qualitative research in psychology 3 (4), 293-311, 2006 | 793 | 2006 |
Qualitative und quantitative Methoden: kein Gegensatz U Kelle, C Erzberger rowohlts enzyklopädie im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2017 | 750 | 2017 |
Making inferences in mixed C Erzberger, U Kelle Handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. United States …, 2003 | 748 | 2003 |
Sociological explanations between micro and macro and the integration of qualitative and quantitative methods U Kelle Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 95-117, 2005 | 738 | 2005 |
Different functions of coding in the analysis of textual data J Seidel, U Kelle Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: Theory, methods and practice, 52-61, 1995 | 640 | 1995 |
Theory building in qualitative research and computer programs for the management of textual data U Kelle Sociological research online 2 (2), 10-22, 1997 | 616 | 1997 |
The integration of qualitative and quantitative methods. methodological models and their significance for practising social research U Kelle, C Erzberger Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 51 (3), 509-+, 1999 | 380* | 1999 |
Mixed methods U Kelle Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, 163-177, 2022 | 377 | 2022 |
Computergestützte Analyse qualitativer Daten U Kelle rowohlts enzyklopädie im Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2017 | 373 | 2017 |
Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis U Kelle Qualitative research practice, 473-489, 2004 | 266 | 2004 |
4. 5 Qualitative and quantitative methods: not in opposition U Kelle, C Erzberger A campion to qualitative research, 172-177, 2004 | 230 | 2004 |
Computer use in qualitative research and issues of validity U Kelle, H Laurie Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: Theory, methods and practice, 19-28, 1995 | 213 | 1995 |
Die Bedeutung theoretischen Vorwissens in der Methodologie der Grounded Theory U Kelle Wahre Geschichten, 23-48, 1996 | 189 | 1996 |
Introduction: An overview of computer-aided methods in qualitative research U Kelle Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: Theory, methods and practice, 1-17, 1995 | 181 | 1995 |