Steven M. Smith
Steven M. Smith
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Payment for environmental services: Hypotheses and evidence
LJ Alston, K Andersson, SM Smith
Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ. 5 (1), 139-159, 2013
Responding to a groundwater crisis: The effects of self-imposed economic incentives
SM Smith, K Andersson, KC Cody, M Cox, D Ficklin
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 4 (4 …, 2017
Emergence of collective action in a groundwater commons: irrigators in the San Luis Valley of Colorado
KC Cody, SM Smith, M Cox, K Andersson
Society & Natural Resources 28 (4), 405-422, 2015
Wealth and the distribution of benefits from tropical forests: Implications for REDD+
KP Andersson, SM Smith, LJ Alston, AE Duchelle, E Mwangi, AM Larson, ...
Land use policy 72, 510-522, 2018
The role of irrigation in the development of agriculture in the United States
EC Edwards, SM Smith
The Journal of Economic History 78 (4), 1103-1141, 2018
Economic incentives and conservation: Crowding-in social norms in a groundwater commons
SM Smith
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 90, 147-174, 2018
Individualistic culture increases economic mobility in the United States
B Leonard, SM Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37), e2107273118, 2021
Investigating tradeoffs of green to grey stormwater infrastructure using a planning-level decision support tool
EM Gallo, CD Bell, CL Panos, SM Smith, TS Hogue
Water 12 (7), 2005, 2020
Common property resources and new entrants: uncovering the bias and effects of new users
SM Smith
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 3 (1), 1-36, 2016
Water storage and agricultural resilience to drought: historical evidence of the capacity and institutional limits in the United States
SM Smith, EC Edwards
Environmental Research Letters 16 (12), 124020, 2021
Development Derailed: Policy Uncertainty and Coordinated Investment
E Alston, SM Smith
The Journal of Law and Economics 65 (1), 2022
Instream flow rights within the prior appropriation doctrine: insights from Colorado
SM Smith
Nat. Resources J. 59, 181, 2019
The importance of fit in groundwater self-governance
LT Marston, S Zipper, SM Smith, JJ Allen, JJ Butler, S Gautam, DJ Yu
IOP Publishing, 2022
The relative economic merits of alternative water right systems
SM Smith
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 105, 102389, 2021
Individual to collective adaptation through incremental change in Colorado groundwater governance
JR Loos, K Andersson, S Bulger, KC Cody, M Cox, A Gebben, SM Smith
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 958597, 2022
The effects of individualized water rates on use and equity
SM Smith
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 114, 102673, 2022
From decentralized to centralized irrigation management
SM Smith
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 151, 62-87, 2018
Center pivot irrigation systems and where to find them: a deep learning approach to provide inputs to hydrologic and economic models
D Cooley, RM Maxwell, SM Smith
Frontiers in Water 3, 786016, 2021
Dynamics of the legal environment and the development of communal irrigation systems
SM Smith
International Journal of the Commons 16 (1), 14-28, 2022
Disturbances to irrigation systems in the American southwest: Assessing the performance of acequias under various governance structures, property rights, and new entrants
SM Smith
University of Colorado at Boulder, 2014
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